Florida-North Florida

*Alissa, Katie, LouWho*

Hey ladies, I have a half-day off on Tuesday. If you girls would like to, I could use two drinks this week. I will be near St. John's Town Center Tuesday early evening and near the airport on Thursday. Let me know if you are up for it :)

Re: *Alissa, Katie, LouWho*

  • doc1026doc1026 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I definitely can't make it on Tuesday. I have a meeting with my DJ. I will have to get back to you on Thursday. I am trying to meet with my florist this week and it might end up being on THursday, but I will let you know. Sorry, things seem to get crazier each day!
  • christinalauchristinalau member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Katie, no worries. I know how it is... At least you are one week further out that I am!
  • edited December 2011
    I'm sorry.  I really can't. this is my last week of work (for a few weeks) and they have me going in every morning at 5am.  and I made all my final vendor appointments for after work.  (my guests start arriving next wednesday so I need to have everything done before then)

    .... and my 2nd bachelorette party is this weekend...  (wish me luck that I'll remember this one LOL)
    ~Alissa & Frank 10.9.10~
  • LouWho19LouWho19 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Just let me know about when y'all are free :) If we can't work it out, I'm sending good wedding vibes y'all way and we'll catch up after y'all are all hitched!
    Pregnancy Ticker Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited December 2011
    I can definately do it After the wedding.  I wont know what to do with myself then. lol
    ~Alissa & Frank 10.9.10~
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