Getting in Shape

Green juice

I found a recipe on a paleo website and I was so excited to make it... However, I could not choke it down it was so gross!!

I used:

Kale leaves
Ground flax seed
Water and a few ice cubes
Half a lemon
Fresh ginger

It called for a pear but I didn't have one so I omitted it. I tried it after it was done blending and it was just gross. It said u could add some cucumber so I did but that didn't help,at all.

Where did I go wrong? How do you make your green juice or even any other fresh veggie/ fruit juices?

Re: Green juice

  • edited February 2013
    If you want to get a lot of vegetables in liquid form and green smoothies aren't your thing, why not  make a gazpacho instead? I throw in a bunch of veggies, add two avocadoes, softboiled eggs, 1/4 cup olive oil, and season with salt, balsamic vinegar and hot sauce. Then puree it all in a food processor. It's so good, I could eat the whole thing in one go. This way you get some fat in there as well that helps with nutrient asborption and satiety.
  • Unchatenfrance has a good ssuggestion, but if you're looking for a breakfast or quick post work out smoothie, the one you have listed is similar to one I throw together. Kale and ginger are both really strong in taste, however so you have to throw in a fruit to match that. I like blueberries. THey tend to take over. The pear would have been awesome with the ginger. And like PP said, spinach is a good choice over kale as well. I'ma bigger fan of kale, but spinach is much sweeter in taste so that could help. 
  • I agree with Stage.

    My mean green juices were actually delicious. Maybe you needed more apples. I followed these recipes from the reboot website.

    Mean Green Juice Recipes


    The Original

    Mean Green Juice #2

    6 leaves of Kale

    Handful of Spinach

    1 Cucumber

    3 Stalks of Kale

    4 Celery Stalks

    2 Golden Delicious Apples

    2 Green Apples

    Small handful of Parsley

    1/2 Lemon (peeled)

    1 Lemon

    1 pc. Of Ginger

    1 Cucumber

    Mean Green Juice #3

    Mean Green Juice #4

    2 Stalks of Celery

    1/2 Pear

    1/2 Cucumber

    1/2 Green Apple

    1/2 Apple

    Handful of Spinach

    1/2 Lemon

    Handful of Parsley

    Small piece of ginger

    2 Celery Stalks

    1/2 Green Chard Leaf

    1/2 Cucumber

    bunch of cilantro

    Small piece of ginger

    5 Kale leaves

    Slice of Papaya

    handful of spinach


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