
Eiffel Tower vases FOR SALE

Please pass this info along to anyone you know who is planning a wedding! I have ads on Craigslist as well. I would like to try to sell in the Tulsa area, as I do not want to have to go through shipping and payment and all that associated with out-of-town sales. Thanks I have twenty vases for sale that were used as centerpieces at my reception. They are handblown glass and are 24" tall eiffel tower style vases. The inside has been painted white, which I think looks very elegant, but also made life easy when I put the flowers in them because I didn't have to come up with a way to "hide" the stems of the flowers. Though I would eventually be willing to discuss breaking these up into smaller groups, if perhaps you only needed to purchase 10 of them or something, but currently my hope would be to sell them as one group. I only had these at my guest tables, but if you won't have that many guest tables, you could always use some in your ceremony decorations, or at the guestbook table, or gift table, etc.I am asking $140 for all 20 vases. If you are interested in these vases, please email me at natalie.e.bean@gmail.comThe pictures below are from my photographer, Destiny Photography.  If you love the vases as they are, with the silk flowers and/or ribbon and/or feathers, please let me know that and we can discuss a price for the vases WITH the items you like included. Thanks!

Re: Eiffel Tower vases FOR SALE

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