Wedding Reception Forum

XP: What does/did your seating chart look like?

So I finished up our seating chart today and I have one table that just feels very...empty w/ only 6 people at it.  Our venue said the max per round table is 10 people and most people usually sit about 8-10 per table.  The way our seating works out with our guests is that we have a couple of 9 person tables, 1 10 person table, a few 8 and 7 people tables, and 1 6 person table.  FI and I tried to think of who we could move around so that all the tables would be more or less the same size but we found that there wasn't anyone we wanted to move from the tables we already have them at.  It's annoying because there are families, couples, and other people we don't want to split up so it makes it awkward for the seating chart so we couldn't make it work out so that every table gets 8-10 people.  We pretty much kept the people who knew each other together.  So it worked out pretty well, except for this awkward sized 6 person table.
What do you guys think?  Is a 6 person table going to be really weird or am I way overthinking this?  Anyone have this problem with their seating chart?  I'm about to just say screw it and leave the seating chart how I have...this is annoying.
ETA: Sorry for the double post...TK is being weird.
Married since October 14, 2012 - Best Day Ever! Wedding-2

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