New York


Out of curiosity, what's your one DIY project!?

I think I might be doing one or two as well (programs / menus), but was just curious. I'm wondering what else might save money, but on the other hand, I have zero time.
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Re: *kpdorr*

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    we are getting photos of all of the guests, sending them through instagram and printing them as seating cards. Our guest list is at 234 so if it kind of a big project to find a good photo of everyone. Some people are easy with facebook, but others, like my FMIL's coworkers are going to be really difficult to find! We want it to be a surprise, but it might end up that we have to ask people to send us one.! We'll maybe use the photos in some kind of little background slideshow too.

    I'm not very crafty and don't have a lot of time to do projects since I am working full time, taking 3 grad classes and planning this wedding, but I like the challenge of it!
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    Me too!!! I work full-time, commute an hour each way, and finishing my master's thesis... plus wedding, no time for super craftiness! I'll be surprised if I even end up making the programs.

    That sounds awesome though! Good luck with the photos!
    image 131 invited image 120 are ready to party! image 11 will miss the festivities! Wedding Countdown Ticker
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