Getting in Shape

Workout Accountability: Thursday

Happy Thanksgiving to all south-of-the-border GISers!

Last night's show was great. I love seeing the kids get so involved. There were two plays: one from a community further north - it's about 6-7 hours away from here via snowmobile (there are no roads to get there from here), so you skidoo or go by boat. There's also a small plane running now since the boat is in for repairs... They had half a dozen kids, ranging from grade 5 to grade 11. DDs school also did their performance - about a tomboy who gets forced into a pagent by her mother who wants to win a bet. All of the plays in this festival are written by the kids themselves, so it's pretty cool to watch.

Which, of course means no workout for me!

But today I might get to fit one in - cross your fingers for me.

I'm focusing on keeping my food on track this week and hoping for the best. By this time next week it will be a distant memory, and we'll be choosing a script for January.

Happy Thanksgiving, knotties! Have some turkey for me!
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Re: Workout Accountability: Thursday

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    Still slacking on the posting this week. Sorry, self.

    Good thing is though that I have remained on track with my eating. Luckily for me, it is not turkey day today here (us Canucks did that a while back!)...

    Not to jinx anything, but I have been doing pretty well re: weight loss the last couple weeks... I am officially weighing in at less than I have weighed in a LONG time. I can now nearly taste that 50 pounds lost mark.... I am SO looking forward to that!
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