Registry and Gift Forum

Wedding Gifts - Timing and Thank You Notes

Thank you note question - one of my bridesmaids, who is also getting married, showed me her thank you notes she had personalized for her upcoming wedding. She said they just put their first names on the front in case they had to send some out before the wedding. Her wedding is a month after mine and I know they're not planning on mailing their invitations out for another month, so I asked if she was just thinking ahead and she said her sister started getting wedding gifts/checks with the "declines" that were sent back almost immediately after mailing out the invitation. I also planned on having nice thank you's printed that match my invitation suite, but hadn't ordered them yet. I am also planning on just using our first my question is, should I have these printed ASAP considering we plan on dropping our invites in the mail next week? I really didn't think people would send things right away even if they weren't coming...what did you all experience? Thanks!!

Re: Wedding Gifts - Timing and Thank You Notes

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    My wedding hasn't happened yet, but I would say yes you should order them. I know my sister also received several gifts/checks/cards along with declines. It seems trendy right now to take a picture at the wedding holding a "thank you" sign to use as the cover for notes. This irritates me to no end. I'm probably not going to remember what your thank you card looked like, I am going to remember how promptly you sent it. I know you didn't mention doing this, but just an example. You might as well have them ready if you already know what you want. That way you don't have to hold up sending them while you wait for your card order to come in.
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    @molly - Thanks, this is helpful. I'm going to order them ASAP. For the record, those picture thank you's irritate me too...especially if it takes way too long to get them out.
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    csuavecsuave member
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Love Its Name Dropper
    You might as well have them ready if you already know what you want.
    Stuck in the box: I agree with this.  We got gifts in advance of our wedding date.  You will want to be prepared to send thank yous out right away when getting a gift.  This can either be done by ordering what you planned now or buying a pack of cards that doesn't match the rest.
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    We also got gifts in advance of the wedding.  We even received some before we sent our invitations.  PPs are right that it's better to have them ready.  

    For us, it was nice that gifts showed up so early, because we were able to mail out so many TY notes before the wedding.  It made it so much easier when we got back from our HM.
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    I think this is probably a know your crowd thing. We got exactly 0 gifts before our wedding day (excluding the shower which I had separate thank you cards for). I knew we wouldn't get any gifts before the wedding so I didn't worry about it too much.

    FWIW, we did the trendy photo thank you cards that irritate you guys so much. I returned home from my honeymoon this past Sunday and all of my thank you cards have been mailed already. Please don't think that just because rude people wait forever to send these out that it's because they did a photo thank you. It's just them being rude not getting their thank you's out in time.
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    @tammym - I should have worded how I felt about the photo thank you cards better. You're right, as long as they're sent out in a timely manner then I'm cool with them. I've just heard the, "our photographer took forever to get our pictures back and we couldn't start our notes..." excuse one too many times...
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    I have a coworker still waiting on her photo thank you cards from her April wedding. My generic Target Thank you cards are already sent.

    Take a way lesson. If you want to do photo thank yous, get it in the contract that the photog is to get those to you by a certain date (say, no later then two weeks after wedding) if they can't do that, find a different photographer or use different thank you cards.

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    We got our first gift right after we sent invitations out, and they continued in dribs and drabs up until the wedding. So yeah, definitely get your thank you cards now, and write them as gifts come in.
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