November 2014 Weddings

Mother/Father Dance

Hello Ladies! I decided to post after going back and forth for a while on the Mother/Father Dance situtation me and FH have. Both my father and his mother passed some time ago, thus creating my current dilemma. I had three options in mind 1.) no dance at all for either of us, 2.) we dance at the same time with our uncles/aunts and 3.) I dance with his father and he dance with my mother at the same time to the same song. I have already nixed number #2 as there are too many aunts and uncles and too much coordination would be needed to have them each dance a little part. So that leaves me with option #1 and #3. I would really like to do #3 as a symbolic gesture to our new mom/dad (we all get along very well) but without taking away the significance of our actual parents. But my thought is unless I can find the right song then we would just scrap the whole mother/father dance thing all together. So, my ultimate question to you is, do you know any song fitting of the situation?

Currently, the two songs that were suggested to me and I kinda liked were "There You'll Be" by Faith Hill and "You've Got A Friend" by James Taylor.

Thanks for your time!

Re: Mother/Father Dance

  • Options

    If I were you I might just nix it.  From my understanding, it seems like it is causing you more stress than it has meaning for you.

    If you do want to keep it, I think "You've Got a Friend" is a great song!

    Good luck! :)

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