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Difficult decisions...

Facing a difficult decision at the moment. So after my grandmother whom I was very close to passed away in September, I ended up with her engagement ring. For Christmas, my FI's parents got the ring cleaned up and resized. Luckily it could be resized as the band is quite thin. It's a beautiful ring, yellow gold with a small bezel set diamond and white gold almost Celtic looking inscriptions on the sides. It still needs a bit of work (a small fill with gold to fill in a crack and some gold to build up the shank), but I adore the ring. Now here comes the hard part.

FI and I have spoken in great deal about this. Bottom line: he would have used the ring to propose if he had had it at the time. I love the ring he got me, don't get me wrong, but my grandmother's means so so so much to me. I am considering changing rings. Has anyone ever heard of anyone doing this? FI is 100% in the discussion and just wants me to be happy. He said he will support me if I decide to use my grandmother's ring. If I do do this, I will be keeping my original ring and maybe using it as a necklace or on my other hand or something. My grandmother's ring just doesn't feel right on my right hand. I can't explain why, it just doesn't.

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Re: Difficult decisions...

  • It's really your decision.  You could always wear the e-ring your FI got you and switch out after the wedding and make the original e-ring a right hand ring and your grandmother's ring your wedding ring/set.

  • This is such a personal decision, there is no right or wrong answer.

    Another option could be to use it as your wedding ring. You could wear both after the wedding or wear your engagement ring until the wedding and then switch to your grandmother's ring and do whatever you would like with your engagement ring. That way it wouldn't really be replacing your engagement ring.

  • I know mine is a bit of different situation, but I'll give you my 2 cents...

    My grandmother gave me her engagement ring before she passed away and a few months before FI and I even began dating.  I got it re-sized and wore it on my right hand ring finger.  It's now been 3 years and I still wear it on my right hand and now that I'm engaged I have two rings.  Sometimes people question why I wear two rings, and FI thinks it's a little weird but it makes me feel like I am carrying my grandmother around with me in a way.

    It was a little weird at first to wear a ring on my right hand, but now I'm so used to it, I feel naked without it.

    Ultimately it is a personal decision and up to you, but just thought I would give you my experience.
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  • As others have said, it's a personal decision and there is no right or wrong answer. It seems like it's really important to you to wear your Grandmother's engagement ring. Perhaps you could use the ring that your FI proposed to you with as a right hand ring, or save it for an anniversary and have other stones added to it and use it as a right hand ring? It is a difficult decision. I hope you can both come to a conclusion that feels good to you both :)
  • You do what makes you happy. You don't have to give up your original engagement ring; you can always wear one and then swap it for the other, or find a way to wear both. I wanna see a picture though! I love bezel settings :)
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • If I recall correctly the engagement ring your FI gave you had 3 stones in it? Maybe you can make a wedding band using those stones, and keep your grandmother's ring as the engagement ring...just another option.
  • If I recall correctly the engagement ring your FI gave you had 3 stones in it? Maybe you can make a wedding band using those stones, and keep your grandmother's ring as the engagement ring...just another option.
    I think this is a really great option too! It's a way to keep both rings with you.

  • I didn't OMG love my original engagement ring as an every day ring. DH had had it custom made with my grandmother's engagement diamond so I wasn't sure what to do. After several years, I took the diamond out of that ring, had it put into a new setting, and now wear the new one as my every day ring. The original e-ring I turn around and wear occasionally as a band. If it fit on my right hand, I would wear it there.

    I think you should do what makes you most comfortable. If that means switching which ring you wear daily, then that is your prerogative. Both the rings mean something to you, and that is all that matters!

    Top one: original e-ring, now worn as a band
    Middle: new setting
    Bottom: wedding band

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  • Thanks ladies for all the responses! I finally got it out of FI that he would be upset if I changed rings so I have decided to stick with my original one. It was definitely tough. Thanks for all of the support. I love you all!

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  • Soooo.... right hand ring for your grandma's ring? It might not feel exactly right in the beginning.... but I bet your hand will get used to it!

    Also... can we see picture of your engagement ring and your grandma's ring??? PLEASE? :)
  • Ditto @lilacck28 - Try wearing it on your right hand for awhile. It might feel weird at first but you will probably get used to it after a little while.

  • Definitely try wearing your grandmother's ring on your right hand. I've got my great-grandmother's ring as a RHR, and I love it. 

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Grandmothers ring. Hopefully the photo comes through! I'm on my phone.

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  • I would wear your grandmother's ring on your right hand.  That way you get to wear both, and your FI is happy.  It might feel weird at first but I wore one of my grandmother's rings as a RHR for a few years and got used to it pretty fast.  I don't wear it anymore as I found it was a hazard at work (it was a very high setting).
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  • Your grandmother's ring is beautiful!

  • Both rings are beautiful! I agree about trying grandmother's ring on your right hand.
  • SO GORGEOUS! Thanks for the pictures!
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