Knottie Tech Help

Why do I have to keep signing in?

Is there a reason I've had to sign in 6 times in the span of 20 minutes tonight?

Re: Why do I have to keep signing in?

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    Hey there,

    Sorry about these issues! There's a bug tech is trying to work on but it's been a tricky one so it's taking a little longer than anticipated.

    I'll let you know once it's been resolved!

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    It's definitely still a problem. This morning, I keep getting forced to login whenever I click on "Wedding Boards" or a new thread in a different folder.
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    Hi! Following because I'm having the same issue.
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    I get about 2 page loads per log in. No fun. 
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    I don't know if it will work for others, but I get logged out plenty and most times refreshing the page once or twice logs me back in.

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    AlPacina said:
    I don't know if it will work for others, but I get logged out plenty and most times refreshing the page once or twice logs me back in.
    This worked for me today!  Thanks!
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    Yep - just came here having the same issue!
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    Sorry for all of these issues! Our team is still trying to work on this bug, it seems to be a very difficult one for them to crack. I'll let you all know once I get confirmation it's been totally resolved.
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    I keep getting a "Sorry, you don't have permission to do that" whenever I try to post on the Cash Bar/BYOB thread in the Etiquette folder. Why?
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