Wedding Woes

You Admit It Was A Stretch, So Keep Working

Dear Prudence,
Two months ago, I started a new position at a small company. This position was a reach for me in terms of experience, and I’m still getting familiar with what’s expected of me and what I need to do day to day. I recently had my first performance review. While there were many positives, there were also several things that I needed to improve, namely being more of a self-starter and “owning” my area of expertise. My superior was nothing but supportive and direct, but I couldn’t help but feel a little upset and embarrassed that I wasn’t doing as good a job as I thought I was. In the moment, I handled the feedback appropriately (no tears, thank God), but I feel awkward and embarrassed at work now. I don’t want to do any more damage, so do you have any tips on getting over constructive criticism and not feeling ashamed?

—Dealing With Criticism at Work

Re: You Admit It Was A Stretch, So Keep Working

  • I think she may need to make her own list of feedback and make her own steps.   If the superior is giving her this good feedback then look at the positives and see if those can be used to help move in the better direction. 
  • I don't know anyone that does their job perfectly from day 1. You have to learn it, and that can take time. 

    Also, some employers want to see growth and change over time, so you have to have some things to work on. By putting them in the review gives you specifics to demonstrate how you've progressed. 
  • there shouldn't be any reason to "get over constructive criticism" - it's an opportunity to learn and grow in her new role. If anything, she should be asking boss to expand on criticism and suggest some specific things she can work on/training she can take/people she can shadow, etc. 

    no matter how many gold stars I'm getting from my bosses, I always ask them to provide constructive criticism or recommendations on things I can do to grow and improve. I've had bosses in the past that were all, "ZOMG, YOU'RE AMAZING!!!1!" and then I get an "average/met expectations" review. and i'm all "...dafuq...?" because you're not giving me feedback that will help me get a 5 star review. (I'm firmly convinced this is unattainable in my company.)
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