Wedding Party


Yeah, I really have no idea what I actually want to you guys to say... and I know that I am NEVER going to actually say anything about this, but my aunt seriously frustrates me.

Okay, so we went to get my wedding dress today... YAY!  I went with my mother and my aunt. My aunt is a handful to say the least.

Backstory... She is a year older than my mom, she isn't married and has no kids, and is generally overbearing and downright crazy. A couple years ago she got an infection in her foot, refused to seek medical attention, and had to have her foot nearly amputated because of it. She now is unable to walk without a walker or scooter, and can't live alone. She lives with my mom, took over the master bedroom in the house, and just bosses my mother around.

Needless to say, the aunt and I don't get along, but I bite my tongue as much as possible around her to keep the peace. She is very immature and has already threatened not to come to the wedding once. ( I think I told her that i didn't want bubbles wrapped in tulle as a favor or something minor.)

So we picked up my dress, and my mom starts looking for dresses for her, just to get an idea. My aunt decides she needs to look for her dress, keeps trying to stop the saleslady from helping my mom, and just takes over. My mom finally just said she would look another day, and let my aunt take over.

This is what she picked...

Its sequined leopard print. I think its terrible, and doesn't go with a day wedding, but I know that if this is what she wants, I have to keep my mouth shut because it isn't my place.

Please, am I being to harsh about it being hideous, or is it really as bad as it looks to me? I think I might just be bothered by her, and therefore taking it out on this dress. And yes, I know I am being whiny, and like I said, you guys are the only people who are going to hear this. I would NEVER upset my mom by voicing any of this.

Oh, and I might DD this because its pretty personal, and I'm not sure if I really want this "out there" forever.

CN: My aunt who lives with my mom drives me fuucking nuts, and picked a dress I hate to wear to my wedding. I know I can't say anything, but I think its a terrible dress.


Re: Vent

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    I won't quote you so you can decide if you want to DD. That dress IS hideous, but yes, you really can't say anything. Try to imagine her as a character, a ridiculous bossy character. Maybe that will help? Your mom is right, she can look another day....a day when she leaves your aunt in the car....oops, did I say that?!
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    Haha, yeah I know better than to open my mouth. She is going to look like a crazy lady when she wears that. Now, just imagine someone in that dress on a motorized scooter...

    I think I just needed to get it out.
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    On the bright side, when some newb starts complaining about MOH, MOG attire, I can give them THAT mental image. Bet it will shut them right
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: Vent</a>:
    [QUOTE]On the bright side, when some newb starts complaining about MOH, MOG attire, I can give them THAT mental image. Bet it will shut them right
    Posted by mags0607[/QUOTE]

    <div>Haha, nice. That is true. At least it's not for your own mom, right? If anything, it will just make HER look bad, so there's that.</div><div>
    </div><div>And yes, it is that hideous IMHO, but maybe that's because I really don't like animal prints.</div>
    White Knot
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    I think she just drives me nuts, so its making it worse, but yeah, its pretty hideous, but at least I have a pretty wedding dress, and she will be the crazy lady in animal print. We'll just get the photographer to put the family pics she is in to black and white.
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    Sounds like you need the photographer to make sure your aunt is on the END of the photo.

    "Whoops!  D@mn cr@ppy photographer cut you out of the photo AGAIN!?"
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    I think it will make her look like Cruella DeVille. I imagine a long skinny cigarette hanging out of her mouth, and horribly poufy hair. Perhaps that's a fitting image.

    Hang in there Mags, she will look like a fool and you can laugh with the rest of your guests.. in your head of course.
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    Yeah, put her on the end.
    Sunbonnet or cone of shame? You be the judge! Trixie's Blog
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    Yeah, that's just U-G-L-Y! Look at it this way:  your aunt (understandably) annoys the livin' he!! out of you.  Isn't it better that she bought a hideous dress?

    Now you can say "It's just perfect for YOU.  It just screams Auntie whenever I see it" and you'll mean it.

    "Trix, it's what they/our parents wanted. Why so judgemental? And why is your wedding date over a year and a half ago? And why do you not have a groom's name? And why have you posted over 12,000 posts? And why do you always say mean things to brides?" palegirl146
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    Honestly, I don't think it's hideous as crazy aunt attire. I can totally imagine the kooky aunt on her scooter wearing this, it just seems like it's the right costume for that character in your life, so I don't think anyone will be shocked by it :)
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    Yeah, that dress is fug ... but then again I tend to hate on sequins unless it's an actual costume ... and I hate on animal print in pretty much any circumstance.

    But ... for a "Crazy Aunt Rita" get-up it's perfect :P

    Just try to remember that it's nobody you actually like, so if she looks bad, it's just a bigger inside joke to you (Kind of like our Best Man's FI in her prom dress, lol). If you actually liked her, I'd be suggested maybe gently steering her towards something less embarrassing, but you hate her, so let her look awful.

    If you fire a WP member, you're against America.

    "Meg cracks me up on the regular. Now she gets to do it in two different forums. Yay!!" ~mkrupar
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    The print is fug, but at least it's not a tight, short hoochie dress. The long skirt and jacket classes it up a bit.
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    I thought it wasn't good but not all that awful, until I clicked.  I think it's the sequins that make it as bad as it is!
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    Thanks guys, you are really helping me to just think this whole thng is funny.

    I think I was just cooped up in the car with her and her ridiculousness for too long yesterday.

    You guys are right- she will definitely be on the end of the photos. I do have to laugh though, because everyone who knows her will actually expect her to wear somethng ugly.

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    Ugh.  If it were just a little tighter, it would be Peggy Bundy.  Yuck!
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