Snarky Brides

UGH! Say yes to the dress-Bridesmaids!

Okay so I normally love this show, but ugh is all I can say!

I am watching this episode and this Bride has 6 of her sorority girls and 1 childhood friend and they all saw a dress on a sorority girl and yay they love it, then they put it on the childhood friend and they all go "Yuck! That looked so much better on the other girl."

So sad!!!! And the bride was the one who said that! How could a bride say that about her friend?! Blows my mind.

Re: UGH! Say yes to the dress-Bridesmaids!

  • Well, people suck :)
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:17Discussion:d07ff620-25ae-4b40-b6a1-65d74f29d4f4Post:f103e281-3e27-4f06-8ed6-ff6ac15c944f">Re: UGH! Say yes to the dress-Bridesmaids!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Well, people suck :)
    Posted by AllAboutTheBenjamin[/QUOTE]

    yes they do! I would be so hurt if someone said that to me.
  • I'd laugh loudly into their face if someone said that to me.

    But, I'm an asshole and I'm obsessed with myself so there's that.
  • Love watching that show for the drama but most of these girls are just awful!

    One time some girl flat out refused to be in the WP unless they got the dress that she wanted. I would have just been like okay, cya! 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • My brother's girlfriend was filmed in a group for say yes to the dress. She said most of the drama is either made up or heightened for tv. These girls just want to get on TV and will do whatever it takes.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • I saw this today. I had never watched the Bridesmaids version. I felt real bad for that girl.

    UO---I judge people in sorotiies/fraternities.
    June 16, 2012
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: UGH! Say yes to the dress-Bridesmaids!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I saw this today. I had never watched the Bridesmaids version. I felt real bad for that girl. <strong>UO---I judge people in sorotiies/fraternities.</strong>
    Posted by acaponi87[/QUOTE]
    I was president of mine :-)
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • I watched the beginning of this one.  I felt bad for her when she said that she found out who was MOH through the other BMs.  The bride didn't even tell her herself.  
    knotsigpicture Anniversary
  • Alcapone, I admit to having a stereotype in my head for sorority girls.  Quite a few ladies on these boards have totally blown that stereotype out of the water though so I don't scrunch my nose up like I used to. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: UGH! Say yes to the dress-Bridesmaids!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Alcapone, I admit to having a stereotype in my head for sorority girls.  Quite a few ladies on these boards have totally blown that stereotype out of the water though so I don't scrunch my nose up like I used to. 
    Posted by Girlie1030[/QUOTE]

    I know and love tons of people in them but I just don't like the groups. Maybe it's more of a "I-don't-get-it". I dunno.
    June 16, 2012
  • There's a Bridesmaid version?

    I gotta be honest, I've never really watched the show much.  Though sometimes it is amusing to see someone get a dress that's five times the budget of my whole wedding.

    I do remember one of the Atlanta (I think) ones, and there was a poor tomboyish girl who was probably a size 16 or so, and her mom and sister kept making fun of her and calling her a linebacker.  I mean, really?
  • jcg98jcg98 member
    5 Love Its Third Anniversary First Comment Name Dropper
    In Response to Re:UGH! Say yes to the dressBridesmaids!:[QUOTE]In Response to Re: UGH! Say yes to the dressBridesmaids!:I saw this today. I had never watched the Bridesmaids version. I felt real bad for that girl. UOI judge people in sorotiies/fraternities.Posted by acaponi87I was president of mine : Posted by LetsHikeToday[/QUOTE]
    Me too, Hike. :. So judge away acap, there are plenty who fit the stereotype, and plenty who don't.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re:UGH! Say yes to the dressBridesmaids!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re:UGH! Say yes to the dressBridesmaids!: Me too, Hike. :. So judge away acap, there are plenty who fit the stereotype, and plenty who don't.
    Posted by jcg98[/QUOTE]

    It has nothing to do with the stereotype.
    June 16, 2012
  • jcg98jcg98 member
    5 Love Its Third Anniversary First Comment Name Dropper
    In Response to Re:UGH! Say yes to the dressBridesmaids!:[QUOTE]In Response to Re:UGH! Say yes to the dressBridesmaids!:In Response to Re:UGH! Say yes to the dressBridesmaids!: Me too, Hike. :. So judge away acap, there are plenty who fit the stereotype, and plenty who don't.Posted by jcg98It has nothing to do with the stereotype. Posted by acaponi87[/QUOTE]
    I find that hard to believe. Do you judge people on sports teams, or in choirs, or on academic teams? Those are all groups.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re:UGH! Say yes to the dressBridesmaids!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re:UGH! Say yes to the dressBridesmaids!: I find that hard to believe. Do you judge people on sports teams, or in choirs, or on academic teams? Those are all groups.
    Posted by jcg98[/QUOTE]

    People are on sports teams because they enjoy the sport. They join choir because they like to sing. They are on academic teams because they enjoy the subject.

    Why do people join a soroity or fraternity? Because they enjoy the company? (I'm honestly asking, like I said it's something I don't get). If that's the case why do you need to join a club to hangout/belong with those people? And pay money to do so.

    I understand that there are many non-social based Greek groups. That's where most of my friends have been involved (music fraternities).  Like I said, it's not the stereotype for me because I barely know anyone who fits the stereotypical soroity girl or frat guy.

    I don't like that once you join said group these people are now your "brother" or "sister". It doesn't matter if you like them or not.

    I know some people join for the networking later in life. I guess I understand that it's just not my cup of tea. You automatically bond/trust/whatever with someone just because they were in a different chapter of the same group? Again, I just don't get it.

    Some people join and it works for them and that's great.

    I gotta get to bed though..I'll check up tomorrow.
    June 16, 2012
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