
Vibes please

My cousin (and BM)'s Grandma went in for a check up two days ago and they found two large lumps, one in each breast. They are giving her 2 weeks to 2 months to live. This is completely out of the blue for my family, yeah she's old- but she's one of those crazy old ladies with way too much energy and just always in decent health. 

So if you could spare some vibes just for the family to cope, and maybe for her to pass away peacefully... and maybe not so close to Christmas. oh- and they aren't telling her- which I'm not sure if I support that decision...

Re: Vibes please

  • Er/jerEr/jer member
    edited December 2011
    Wow - lots of vibes to the family.  I'm so sorry to hear this.

    They aren't telling her grandmonther how long she has, or any of it?
  • edited December 2011
    Oh my, I'm so sorry. Many, many vibes to her and your family.  I hope that everything happens in a way that is peaceful. 
  • edited December 2011
    Aw, what terrible news.  Many many vibes to her and to the whole family.  
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  • edited December 2011

    Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear this. Many vibes and prayers for a peaceful passing, and that she may live a couple of months longer. The decision whether or not to tell her is hard I am sure. I believe we never told my grandmother about her lymphoma (not sure if they didn't tell her everything, or just how long she had- I was only 7-8 years old). Looking back, I don't think I support that decision.

  • LaFemmeRousseLaFemmeRousse member
    edited December 2011
    Oh dear, many vibes to her and her family.  That's very sad.

    So they're not telling her she's sick at all?  Who is "they?"  Does she have someone else acting on her behalf or something?

    Pittsburgh sig: Favorite thing about fall= college football!
  • edited December 2011
    Thoughts and prayers! :)

    I'm not going to touch the "not telling her" part except to say that I think that is illegal and a major HIPPA violation that her family members were told and not her (unless she is sedated and unable to understand, is using a POA, has dementia, etc).
  • edited December 2011

    I'm so sorry to hear that, Sara. :(   I hope that she goes peacefully surrounded by loved ones. There is no easy way to deal with this.

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  • edited December 2011
    Also, I am hoping that the doctors are wrong. They are sometimes and people have been known to beat the odds and live for years after a diagnosis such as this. I hope the doctors are very wrong this time.
  • missizzmissizz member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Vibes please</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thoughts and prayers! :) I'm not going to touch the "not telling her" part except to say that I think that is illegal and a major HIPPA violation that her family members were told and not her (unless she is sedated and unable to understand, is using a POA, has dementia, etc).
    Posted by kwynn[/QUOTE]
    You know, I thought this too, but I'm really not sure.  This isn't the first time I've heard of this happening.  A woman that I work with had a sister in law pass away and her ILs didn't want to tell her SIL how much time she had left.  There were probably forms signed releasing info to the family.
  • lildiva1977lildiva1977 member
    edited December 2011
    vibes for your family!!
  • elishanbelishanb member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Many vibes to the family.
  • snorgesnorge member
    edited December 2011
    How awful. Lots of vibes for the whole family.
  • edited December 2011
    Many vibes!


  • hey_its_jennhey_its_jenn member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Oh my goodness, S!! I'm so sorry about this!! Lots of vibes and good thoughts and prayers to you and your family during this.  Let me know if you need ANYTHING, hun.  So sad. :(

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  • edited December 2011
    She's lucid enough to be able to understand if she were told (but at the same time, why didn't she notice the huge outwardly visible lumps?). She lives with my aunt, and its my aunt who made the decision not to tell her.  I just think if it were me I would like to know so that I can say good bye and put things in order... I don't know- just prepare. But its not my call...

    thanks for the vibes
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Vibes please</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Vibes please : You know, I thought this too, but I'm really not sure.  This isn't the first time I've heard of this happening.  A woman that I work with had a sister in law pass away and her ILs didn't want to tell her SIL how much time she had left.  There were probably forms signed releasing info to the family.
    Posted by missizz[/QUOTE]

    I think you are right, Stace. It depends on who you allow to have access to your medical information and forms. Also, I think it depends on how much the patient wants to know. If the patient wants to know the diagnosis and how much time, the doctor will give that information. If the patient doesn't ask, I don't think the doctor has to provide it outright, especially if the family has asked him not to. I guess it is what works best for you and your family and how informed the patient wants to be.

    What a sad situation at the holidays; that's very difficult.
  • edited December 2011
    Sara I'm so sorry to hear this. Many vibes for you and your family.
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  • edited December 2011
    Sara, very sorry to hear about this.  Many vibes and prayers to your family and hopes that she goes peacefully.
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  • edited December 2011
    S - many vibes to your cousins grandmother and her whole family.  I don't think it is right that they are not telling her if she is lucid, like others said, I would want time to prepare.

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