Wedding Etiquette Forum

Thank You Cards Custom Vs. Store Bought Brand

Are there any strong arguments **against** store bought thank you cards with a personalized note (i.e. getting some nice cards from Target)? 

Re: Thank You Cards Custom Vs. Store Bought Brand

  • I can't think of any.  
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I hope not. I bought some thank you cards from target after our first engagement gift.  People just want a prompt thank you to show you received and appreciate their gift.  It used to be people would use their own stationary that everyone had prior to email.   A lot of people are against custom thank you cards because usually it takes longer to get them because the bride and groom were waiting for a picture or something from their wedding. 


  • You mean a card that is blank inside that you write in?  Nothing wrong with it at all, IMO.  
  • doeydo said:
    You mean a card that is blank inside that you write in?  Nothing wrong with it at all, IMO.  
    Yes, that's what I meant :)
  • I don't even care if there is a small message inside.
    If you are going to take the time to personalize a card, it doesn't matter to me if it's store bought or not or even if it has a phrase on the inside.
  • I don't see any problem with store bought cards either :)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Cool. Thanks all!
  • I care more about getting the note than I do what the paper the note is on looks like.  Hell, write it in crayon on notebook paper for all I care, just say a sincere thank you and we're all good.
  • So long as you send them, that's all that matters.
  • When someone sends me a custom thank-you card, I only care about the inside. In some cases I feel bad that they spent so much money on something I will ultimately be throwing away. It looks especially silly to me when someone spends a good deal of money on fancy invites and/or TY cards when I was a guest at their cash-bar wedding. Priorities, people!
  • Agree with PPs - store bought cards don't make a difference. As long as you send a thank you with a personal message, it's all good. 
  • When someone sends me a custom thank-you card, I only care about the inside. In some cases I feel bad that they spent so much money on something I will ultimately be throwing away. It looks especially silly to me when someone spends a good deal of money on fancy invites and/or TY cards when I was a guest at their cash-bar wedding. Priorities, people!
    Don't feel bad about how much money or time they spent on a custom card. I make all my cards that I send to people, but it's because I enjoy it and it helps me relax. I know they will be thrown away, but I don't care :)
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