So the past few Mondays I have done aftercare staying only until 3:30pm. Each time, the principal has specifically asked me to stay if I could. He knows that I'm interested in aftercare for the extra cash so he offered me a few more days next week and week we come back from X-mas break. Great. I get a phone call today saying that he went to aftercare and I wasn't there and maybe there was miscommunication. Fine. I called him back and explained that there must have been miscommunication because every Monday he asked me to stay I always knew about in advance, that I had no idea I was doing aftercare every Monday. He was like "well you want to do it right, thats my understanding" and I'm like "oh yes of course, I'm sorry I apologize I must have misunderstood you but I don't remember you saying that it was for every Monday but now that I know I will definitely be staying each week." He was just so rude about it. I know thats it a stressful day, with report cards being tomorrow night. But now I feel like I'm going to look incompetent and such so tomorrow I need to go to work and apologize to the head of aftercare who I also stay with on Mondays in the same room and explain what happened. UGH!!! And he is observing me on Thursday for my Math lesson. Do you ladies think I should email him and once again apologize for the mix-up?