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NWR: Need to Vent About the Job...Feel free to add!!!

So the past few Mondays I have done aftercare staying only until 3:30pm. Each time, the principal has specifically asked me to stay if I could. He knows that I'm interested in aftercare for the extra cash so he offered me a few more days next week and week we come back from X-mas break. Great. I get a phone call today saying that he went to aftercare and I wasn't there and maybe there was miscommunication. Fine. I called him back and explained that there must have been miscommunication because every Monday he asked me to stay I always knew about in advance, that I had no idea I was doing aftercare every Monday. He was like "well you want to do it right, thats my understanding" and I'm like "oh yes of course, I'm sorry I apologize I must have misunderstood you but I don't remember you saying that it was for every Monday but now that I know I will definitely be staying each week." He was just so rude about it. I know thats it a stressful day, with report cards being tomorrow night. But now I feel like I'm going to look incompetent and such so tomorrow I need to go to work and apologize to the head of aftercare who I also stay with on Mondays in the same room and explain what happened. UGH!!! And he is observing me on Thursday for my Math lesson. Do you ladies think I should email him and once again apologize for the mix-up?

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Re: NWR: Need to Vent About the Job...Feel free to add!!!

  • @50ShadesofMe

    For a while now, my sodas at work have gone missing over the weekends. I work security and there are 3 shifts so there is always 2 people here 24/7

    Anyway, since the sodas were going missing on the weekend, we thought it was a weekend person.

    Well today, I went into my supervisor's office (which he shares with the main boss (owner of the company)) and what do I see? I see an empty can of one of my sodas sitting on the desk. I know it was mine because I am the only person out of the 14 of us who drinks that specific type / kind of soda.....

  • JCbride2015JCbride2015 member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary First Answer
    edited December 2013

    I don't think I would email him again and apologize; it sounds like it was just a miscommunication and not your fault.  I was a teacher with mostly male administrators, and I think constant apologizing feeds into their worldview that they are totally in charge.  This sounds like it was his fault.  Just make a kick-ass lesson for your observation and don't bring up the aftercare issue again.

    Burn!!!  Somebody stole my half-eaten Chipotle leftovers out of the law school fridge once.  I was so crushed when I went to eat lunch.  And I know it wasn't a fridge clean-out situation, since it was only in there for a day and everyone else's leftovers were untouched.  Did you say anything to your supervisor?  I am a pretty direct person, but I'm not sure I could bring myself to ask my supervisor if s/he took my soda.  

    Edited: spelling
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • @JCBride2014

    No I didn't. My boss and supervisor are looking for reasons to fire people (even if it is over petty crap) because there has been a lot of childish things happening with my co-workers.
  • I definitely would just let it slide and explain it to the aftercare person. If your principle is a good one, he won't judge your observation based on it.

    My boss never comes to work or comes in late and leaves early! And when he does, he bitches about being bored.. then I tell him things he needs to do "oh, I'll do it after christmas break" We still have until the 20th for the break there buddy... BTW- I also work for a school district for a grant they received. He's salary paid, I'm not. So of course, he gets paid even though he doesn't come in... me, if I even work from home he has to write a report about what I did that day at home. Really? At least I legit work when I'm home unlike him.
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  • @50ShadesofMe - can you ask that he confirm things via email from now on? And then go and confirm things with HIM via email yourself. Like "Per our earlier discussions, I wanted to confirm that i will be doing aftercare on days X,Y and Z until otherwise discussed." I've had to do that before and it helps. Especially when one party is a PITA

     Definitely don't apologize again, but tell him that in an effort to be proactive, you want to make sure there aren't any more miscommunications.
     Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @50ShadesofMe - can you ask that he confirm things via email from now on? And then go and confirm things with HIM via email yourself. Like "Per our earlier discussions, I wanted to confirm that i will be doing aftercare on days X,Y and Z until otherwise discussed." I've had to do that before and it helps. Especially when one party is a PITA

     Definitely don't apologize again, but tell him that in an effort to be proactive, you want to make sure there aren't any more miscommunications.
     Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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