
Re: ***SAHM***

  • edited December 2011

    Thank you so much for taking the time to do this for me!  That was so sweet of you!  Believe it or not, we already looked at most of these (and several other) invitations and ruled them out.  There's lots of moons for babies! 

    This is one we were considering both liked it, and I especially liked it because it had both the moon and the ocean (I originally wanted a beach theme, which my BM's are using for my shower).  We both agreed on it and ordered samples in several shades of purple.  Because they were coming from China, though, I was worried about the time frame so I made one using clipart that turned out really cool (not sure how to post a photo).  We decided we would be happy with either one, so we left it up to the family, and they chose the clipart one.  My mother has taken on the task of looking for a printer, which is one less thing I have to worry about. 

    Thank you, again, so much, though.  The ladies on this board are so, so wonderful, including you! 
  • LaFemmeRousseLaFemmeRousse member
    edited December 2011
    Oooh, pretty!  You're right, there were SO MANY moon things for babies!  I'm glad you two found one that works best, I'm excited to see them at some point.

    (FYI, posting pictures is very easy.  At the bottom of the reply screen, in that toolbar, click on the little picture of the tree next to the "ABC" button.  A new little window will pop up.  Press "browse" in the new window, then find the location on your computer where your picture is located, click it, then press "save."  That's it!)

    Pittsburgh sig: Favorite thing about fall= college football!
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