This was just so weird I had to share, thought you all would appreciate this *fun* new twist on a PPD.
On Christmas I posted that FMIL and FSIL were being super whiny when we put our foot down about not coming over early on Christmas morning. We went over there at 2:00 in the afternoon and things were okay, just a little tense. Everybody's pretty much over it or so I thought; we skipped NYE too and I'm super glad we set our boundaries.
Just got a Facebook group message from FMIL: She is "sad sad sad" that we forgot to take the "traditional" Christmas morning photo (photo of the "kids" in their PJs on the staircase). She asked if we can all come over for Jan 6th (this is a Catholic holiday, not sure what to really call it. Fi calls it La Befana) and put on our PJs and re-enact Christmas morning so she can get her picture.
Fi's comment to me: "She really needs a grandchild to take her focus." Neither of us has addressed her about this yet. All the other siblings were commenting on it about how they think it's a cute idea. FBIL's Fi, who is wayyyyy involved with FPILs, commented that she didn't take her jammies off all day because she wanted to take the photo, but everyone else forgot, and don't blame her for this.
I think this is hilarious because she basically wants a PPD since her Christmas morning didn't work out the way she wanted. Are we all going to give each other fake presents too?
"I'm not a rude bitch. I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."