Chit Chat

NWR: I HATE incompetent people! *VENT*

So, one of the pages I manage for work is a movie marketing page, linked to the "independent marketing" department of a national cinema chain here in SA. Mostly we do reviews of upcoming movies, some "games" like Name That Film/Character/Actor and Replace a Word. From time to time we have competitions.

The competitions work like this:
"N" (in the independent marketing department) secures sponsorship and prizes as necessary
N sends me the details of the prizes and any specifics for the competition
I come up with the competition idea and once N has approved it I take it live
Once the competition has ended I pull the necessary information and pick the winner/s by random draw (after first eliminating invalid entries)
I contact the winner/s via Facebook or Twitter for their email address and email them a standard email detailing which competition they've won, what their prize is, and what they need to do to claim the prize (which is send us their delivery address and daytime contact number and a photo of themselves for our Winners album)
I pass those details on to N once I get them, and she then sends the prizes out or contacts the sponsor/partner to have the prizes sent out

Here's the important bit: I do not, at any point, have contact with the sponsor companies or have the prizes in my possession - this is handled entirely by N's department

In August/September of last year, we ran a competition. The prize was a custom tailored suit, worth a LOT of money ($700 or so). The winner was drawn and contacted as normal, and the details passed on to N, who then passed them on to the sponsor. As far as we're concerned, it's taken care of.

Nope, in November the winner contacted us on the Facebook page to say that no one has contacted him since the initial email. I passed it on to N, who passed it on to the sponsors and assured me it was taken care of.

Last Wednesday the winner messaged me again to say that he has STILL not been contacted. Obviously he's pissed off, and I don't blame him. So I pass the message on to N, she passes it on to the sponsors, and tells me she's very sorry, she thought it had been taken care of.

This morning I log on to discover that he has messaged us yet again over the weekend, and is now threatening to publicize the competition, our page, and our brand, as being a hoax. I have, once again, passed the message on to N, who has yet to respond. Through this whole thing, I've been CCing N's manager and mine.

Now, I know it's not her fault, but really, N should be on top of this. Clearly whoever she's dealing with at the sponsor company is incompetent. The way I see it, she has two options. She can either contact the winner and give him the equivalent of the prize in cash from the department's budget and then get into it with the sponsor, or she can jump up and down on the sponsor until he actually gets hold of the winner and fulfills his end of the bargain.

Either way, there is nothing more I can do. However I respond to the winner now, he's going to say that I'm lying and the whole thing is a scam. And dealing with people and situations like this is exactly why I chose not to go back to the legal industry. *SCREAMS FOREVER*

Oh, and on top this all FI is sick and I'm freaking out because he's a transplant patient on immune suppressant medication which means that even the tiniest cold could be life threatening if it's not treated.

Can I please just go back to bed with a bottle of wine and a kilogram of chocolate?
imageDaisypath Friendship tickers

Re: NWR: I HATE incompetent people! *VENT*

  • You have my sympathies -- you and I do much the same thing, and I not infrequently have to deal with irate winners on our FB page who haven't been contact by our sponsor or ad department and of course they're passed and they're passed at me/us and the only point of contact they have for us is our FB page.

    Go back to bed and drink ALL the wine and eat ALL the chocolate.

    And I'm so sorry about your FI. That must be so scary.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • Thanks HisGirl. I feel like you are a "bosom friend" and "kindred spirit", to quote Anne Shirley.

    I am prone to over-reaction and worrying, but I think the worst part is that I can't drive, so I can't take FI to the doctor if he needs to go. I'm really going to try to get my license this year.

    FMIL has taken FI to the doctor, they will keep me posted. In the meantime, I'm stuck at work, trying not to freak out any more than I already have.

    I'm not having chocolate, but FMIL's bringing back some KFC Twisters for lunch (bad, bad me, breaking my diet) and I'll DEFINITELY have some wine with supper tonight.
    imageDaisypath Friendship tickers
  • Awww, I *love* 'Anne'! And I agree.

    Chin up -- I am rooting for you (from the other side of the world, admittedly).


    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • *hugs right back*

    FI just messaged - he's done at the doctor. It's just a sinus infection, and they caught it nice and early. Loads of meds, fluids, and rest, and he'll be fine. The relief is streaming from my eyes right now!

    Still no response from N about the competition winner though...
    imageDaisypath Friendship tickers
  • Sorry to hear FI is ill and you're under so much stress, but glad they caught it early!

    Re: N and the prize may be time to suggest to your boss, N, and N's boss that you have a conference call directly with the sponsor person, or collectively meet in person with the sponsor's representative. If N is dropping the ball, or the rep is, this is causing serious problems for you and your company- you shouldn't be getting screamed at due to someone else's stupidity.

    Mentally sending you wine and chocolate chip cookies.

  • Thanks Chipmunk.

    I've decided to just let it go for today, for fear that I may be overreacting because of FI being sick, but if I haven't had resolution on the issue by tomorrow morning, I'm definitely going to have to ask the managers to step in. I hate being the bad guy.
    imageDaisypath Friendship tickers
  • Sending you more wine, and some cake!

    These things do tend to work out... Here's hoping it doesn't get messier in the interim. Sometimes, you do have to be the bad guy and go to someone's manager. Definitely don't wait until the last minute to do so -- you've been considerate enough so far.

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