It's amateur hour at the independent theatrical marketing division... Last Friday, N emailed me to set up a competition "to run next week", which is this week. I did all the work and put everything in place, and off I go. My boss was copied into the email, hers was not.
The competition started on Monday, it is now Wednesday, which means we are 3 - count them, 3 - days into the competition. She has just emailed me, copying in both her boss and mine, to ask why the competition is running now, saying that it should be run "in the week before release" and that we're going to "lose momentum". Clearly, she's screwed up and is being hauled over the coals, and is trying to shift the blame to me.
So I "replied all" with an attachment containing her original email.
I asked her how she wanted us to proceed. She wants the current run ended, and a re-run in Feb. This means I have to make some sort of public apology.
And I have to try to do it without damaging the brand's image.
The fanbase will probably react like this:
And I will spend the rest of the week like this:
If I ever have to see N in person again, I will be forced to do this:
And I still want to know how we got 3 days into the competition before anyone from ITM noticed...