Chit Chat

I Blame The Walking Dead...

For all of my zombie nightmares lately. Oh, and also Red Dead Redemption Undead. 

Last night I had one and it just always scare the crap outta me! Any one else on the same train as me..? It's just so weird haha.

Now excuse me while I go take some shooting lessons!
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Re: I Blame The Walking Dead...

  • I have zombie dreams! They're usually not nightmares, though; more like I'm just strategizing with my fellow survivors about how to kill as many zombies as possible. It gets kinda routine, actually, and then when I wake up I'm exhausted because I've been defending the remainder of the human race all night in my sleep.
  • I have zombie dreams! They're usually not nightmares, though; more like I'm just strategizing with my fellow survivors about how to kill as many zombies as possible. It gets kinda routine, actually, and then when I wake up I'm exhausted because I've been defending the remainder of the human race all night in my sleep.
    In mine, I am always being chased, or trying to kill them! It is very exhausting.. and I agree that i'm so tired when I wake up because of it. 
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  • Zombie nightmares are terrible but its probably because I am terrified of zombies. I watched Shaun of the Dead once and was hiding behind a blanket with my ears covered. I'm a little better now which is good because DH loves Walking Dead and the random zombie games. We even have art from one game up on our wall of a zombie group. It's a nice picture and I pretend they're not zombies so it works.
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  • Belthil said:
    Zombie nightmares are terrible but its probably because I am terrified of zombies. I watched Shaun of the Dead once and was hiding behind a blanket with my ears covered. I'm a little better now which is good because DH loves Walking Dead and the random zombie games. We even have art from one game up on our wall of a zombie group. It's a nice picture and I pretend they're not zombies so it works.
    They used to scare the crap outta me when I first started watching TWD, but now I don't even think about it as much. It's just in the dreams they are like right there vs. being on a t.v screen lol. 
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