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Friend may have MS :(

My FI has a close gal friend at school. She is wonderful and part of his small group of friends. She loves to send me photos of the group events so I get to see FI with his friends (we are long distance). I have no complaints about their friendship. 

Well she has been sick, like really sick. First an upper respiratory infection. Then she started having weird symptoms: vertigo/dizziness, occasional cut out of hearing, occasional facial numbness, occasional tingling feeling throughout her body, and problems using the restroom. They did a CT and couldn't find anything so just told her it was stress and sent her home. She has had the symptoms for 4 weeks and was sent home 4 times and told not to come back unless she faced nausea too (apparently that was the golden symptom?). Well she went to a neurologist with nausea two days ago and was told that she might have MS and they need to schedule an MRI. But they won't let her call to schedule it, so she is waiting for a call from the doctor and freaking out because she might have MS. Man, my heart really goes out to her. I hope it is something else. My aunt has MS so I know it isn't fun. Anyways, I'm trying to figure out what I can do to help. I sent her a message offering FI or I to help wherever we can. I sent a get-well card about 2 weeks ago. She wants to get the MRI over with but the doctor hasn't called to schedule it yet and she is pretty upset.  

Anyways, just wanted to vent a little before I go back to working on hw. FI's dad does medical research and is working on an MS project. We told him that he needed to hurry those results along!

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Re: Friend may have MS :(

  • Aw, I'm so sorry your friend is stressed about this possible diagnosis! I work on a neurology hospital floor with MS cases. It is so different for everyone but is also so much more "controllable" now than in the past. Just keep being supportive of her and letting her talk to you if she needs to vent. It's always so scary being diagnosed with a life-changing disease - but remind her that she will always have her friends to stand with her through this!

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  • Thanks! I have been doing that. It has been more stressful for her than it should be just because of weeks of unknown symptoms and the fact that her parents are freaking out, understandably. I don't know how she is keeping up with her classes at Vet school (20 credits of classes!) and going to the doctor and dealing with the stress. Everyone has been taking turns bringing her food because their class of 54 is pretty tight-knit. 

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  • I pray that her symptoms are something less than MS! Nerves can do some pretty weird things. Those unknown symptoms for weeks and weeks while getting told "it's nothing" and then possibly being told it's actually something major I can understand are tormenting her! That MRI will give a pretty definite answer so I hope they can get that done quickly with staff who will be able to make her feel comfortable and relaxed.

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  • I have a close friend who has MS. It's pretty scary thinking about someone my age who is sick. She just got married and they are TTC so she isn't taking any meds right now. It's great that you are being very supportive of your friend.  I echo your sentiment to you FI's dad to hurry on those results.
  • Sorry to hear about your friend, but here's to good news and a speedy recovery! :)
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