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**Ohhh winter weight..**

JMalettasJMalettas member
500 Comments 100 Love Its Second Anniversary First Answer
edited February 2014 in Chit Chat
 I seriously cannot find any motivation to work off this winter weight. I try not to panic, as pretty much every year I throw on the weight post Christmas, and lose it all by summer. There's always that slight anxiety though, that *this* time it's gunna stick! (Lol). It doesn't help that in the last week or so, I've had 2 random posts about weight gain jokingly brought to my attention. Ugh. Coincidence & paranoia? Possibly. It's not like I've put on 20lbs or something, but still. I seriously need to find some sort of motivation somewhere! It *really* doesn't help that like today, at -27C without the windchill, I just want to stay in warm home..on the couch. Boo! Anyone else experiencing the 'winter weight blahs'?? 


Re: **Ohhh winter weight..**

  •  I totally get ya on that one! I'm so much more active in the summer, which definitely plays a part in the weight loss. I find when it's hot, I eat less in general too. I feel like it's been a long, and insanely cold winter, and the more weight I feel I've gained..the less I want to do anything. Lol. It's a horrible cycle! :P
  • I always seem to put on 3-5 in the winter, even eating the same and still exercising.  Whatever.  I need to get back into being more active too.  I've been sick for the past few weeks and crazy busy and it's fallen by the wayside at the moment.  But coaching ends in 1 week, so I'll have my afternoons back!!  Yay!!

  • SmileDamnitSmileDamnit member
    1000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited February 2014
    Oh yes! I like to think of the extra poundage as needed blubber to get me through hibernation ;)
    I've been doing that damn barre class for two weeks now so I'm getting back into routine. First dress fitting is in 3 1/2 months so the clock is ticking.

    *edited b/c I can't spell on Fridays*
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  • Identify with and agree with all of this!

    And I just ate a leftover cupcake from an office party.

    What also stinks is that normally I take a 45 minute walk on my lunch break, and with this awful weather I pretty much haven't been for months. I hate sitting around for 9 hours a day, plus 2 hours' worth of commute time. Gahhhhh. 

  • I'm pretty sure I have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), so I always gain weight in the winter because all I want to do is eat carbs, drink, and sleep lol. I gained a lot of weight this winter, I am at my heaviest point. I did weigh myself this morning though and I see I finally lost 10 pounds, yay!! I also signed up for the NYC half marathon next month, so I have been training for that. 


  • I got pretty hefty this winter too. We stay pretty active in the summer but it's been so awful this winter, it's too cold to even ski or anything like that. We pretty much haven't gone outside without dire need in months. And all I have to do is bake. I made a pie AND cookies this week. I never bake!
  • JMalettasJMalettas member
    500 Comments 100 Love Its Second Anniversary First Answer
    edited February 2014
    pinkcow13 said:
    I'm pretty sure I have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), so I always gain weight in the winter because all I want to do is eat carbs, drink, and sleep lol. I gained a lot of weight this winter, I am at my heaviest point. I did weigh myself this morning though and I see I finally lost 10 pounds, yay!! I also signed up for the NYC half marathon next month, so I have been training for that. 
     I am totally with you on the SAD! It's so depressing to look outside to a freezing, cloudy, under 5 feet of snow, day! There's no f'ing way I'm partaking in any kind of outdoor activity, and I definitely have no motivation to do anything else. The last 2 days, although freezing, have at least been sunny, so I'm feeling more energetic than usual. I haven't 'found' the motivation, but I'm at least looking for it! That has to count for something! :P

  • I can hardly wait for the weather to warm up so I can get back to taking walks. Hula hooping is the only exercise I am getting right now.
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  •  I totally miss going for walks, hiking, biking, swimming, camping! ALL of the joys summer brings! I have 2 chihuahuas that can't go outside for walks when it's this cold, so they're about as blah as I am. They can only do so many laps around the house. :P I *do* have an elliptical machine though, that I haven't put back together since we moved into our new house in December. That might be a good place to start! 
  • JMalettasJMalettas member
    500 Comments 100 Love Its Second Anniversary First Answer
    edited February 2014

    pinkcow13 said:
    I'm pretty sure I have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), so I always gain weight in the winter because all I want to do is eat carbs, drink, and sleep lol. I gained a lot of weight this winter, I am at my heaviest point. I did weigh myself this morning though and I see I finally lost 10 pounds, yay!! I also signed up for the NYC half marathon next month, so I have been training for that. 
    Me too.  This past week has hit me hard.  We had such a glorious weekend and then it all went to shit in a handbasket on Monday.  It was a crushing blow to my already unsteady emotions.  I didn't get quite as depressed this year as I have in the passed but I think my emotions are trying to make up for lost time now.

    And the weight gain.  Ugh.  It is horrible.  I have zero motivation to do anything but curl up on the sofa in my sweats and big fluffy robe and eat tons of pasta and other comfort food.

    All I have to say is...

    All of this. That's all I want to, and have been doing..:S
  • TeddiD34TeddiD34 member
    100 Love Its 100 Comments Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited February 2014

    Sorry to butt in, I have an answer to this:


    I live in the coldest place on earth and me and my FI exercise 5-6 days per week (we complain about it everyday).

    If I had to leave my house to work out, I would be very plump!

     Wedding Countdown Ticker


  • Yeah, blogilates has some good home workouts on youtube that I do when I can't bring myself to go to the gym. Usually no equipment needed. Youtube makes a great home gym. Even that is hard to motivate myself to do when the weather is this depressing, but at least I know it's a lame excuse. 

    I've been tanning too. I know it's super unhealthy, but it keeps me a little more sane. Nothing crazy, right now I'm at 8 minutes once or twice a week. 
  • You ladies need to get a SAD light.  DH got me one for Christmas off of Amazon and I've felt great this year (unlike previous years).  You need one that does a minimum of 10 000 lumens for it to be effective.   I love mine

  • You ladies need to get a SAD light.  DH got me one for Christmas off of Amazon and I've felt great this year (unlike previous years).  You need one that does a minimum of 10 000 lumens for it to be effective.   I love mine
     I seriously don't think I've ever heard of this?? How exactly does it work??
  • Yes, tell us more about the SAD light!
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • JMalettas said:

    pinkcow13 said:
    I'm pretty sure I have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), so I always gain weight in the winter because all I want to do is eat carbs, drink, and sleep lol. I gained a lot of weight this winter, I am at my heaviest point. I did weigh myself this morning though and I see I finally lost 10 pounds, yay!! I also signed up for the NYC half marathon next month, so I have been training for that. 
    Me too.  This past week has hit me hard.  We had such a glorious weekend and then it all went to shit in a handbasket on Monday.  It was a crushing blow to my already unsteady emotions.  I didn't get quite as depressed this year as I have in the passed but I think my emotions are trying to make up for lost time now.

    And the weight gain.  Ugh.  It is horrible.  I have zero motivation to do anything but curl up on the sofa in my sweats and big fluffy robe and eat tons of pasta and other comfort food.

    All I have to say is...

    All of this. That's all I want to, and have been doing..:S
    This is exactly how I feel every winter, especially this one. It is too damn cold to do anything. This week was rough for me too. I went running on Saturday, and it was such a gorgeous weekend. Then, polar vortex again a few days later. I am sitting at work with no motivation wanting to just curl up in bed with a huge bowl of mac and cheese. 

    I've heard of the SAD light, my cousin keeps telling me to get one! I heard it works wonders.


  • It's a super bright light (10 000 lumens or higher) that you sit in front of for 30 min a day.  I read the paper or study while it's on.  You can work in front of it too.  It simulates daylight (though not nearly as bright) and affects brain chemicals, so you're basically tricking your brain that you're getting more daylight that you really are.  I have a sunrise simulator alarm clock too, which lights up from red to orange to yellow to white over 30 min before I get up.  Same idea.  

    I've never felt so good so late into the winter as I do this year.  Normally I'm a miserable bitch by Jan and I've felt pretty good this year.  Not nearly as cranky as normal.  

  •  @WinstonsGirl - This sounds amazing, and if it works, I may just be on board! This winter we've barely had *any* sun. It's almost always cloudy, everyday. If you don't mind me asking, where can you buy these, and how much did it cost? 

  • DH got min on Amazon, so I'm not sure about cost.  The sunlight alarm was about $150 I think, also on Amazon.  If you search light therapy or sunrise simulator it should come up there.  

    We're lucky in that we're super sunny during the winter.  We just have short hours.  About 9-4 in the middle of winter for light.  Coming out of coaching at 5pm and it's still sunny out is making my days!!

  • I always gain over the Christmas/winter time.  I'm kind of like a bear or a beaver that way.
  • I said this in another thread, but I'll say it again... you're talking to the girl who has now eaten 6 Costco butter tarts in a matter of days. Even my elliptical couldn't save me from that. Sigh.

  • I have gained about 20 pounds over the past two years, and almost 10 of that was this winter. I am now starting to eat healthy again. (Yes, I did buy two bags of candy and two boxes of chocolate cherry cordials when they were 50% off after Valentine's Day And yes, I ate quite a bit more of it then H did.)

    I need to motivate myself to go to the gym and use my 30 Day Shred DVD. I really want to slim down for my sisters wedding (I'm the MOH and want to look good in my dress) and for the summer.
  •  I didn't eat too badly today! This is the worst time of night though. Evening-in..watching t.v..doing nothing else. Doesn't help that my H can eat anything he wants, and stays the same size. So not fair! :P
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