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Tattoo Locations

I don't have any tattoos now, but I would like to get some in the future.  I always thought I would get one/some on my back and shoulder area, however, I was thinking that since I have scoliosis that if my spine increases with time that it might distort the tattoo or that it will just look funny.  I know that if I were to get a tattoo, that I would want it to be in a spot that I can cover if need be (ie. for work) but I can still show it off and in a place that won't change too much if I gain or lose weight.  Where do you think would be a good idea?

Re: Tattoo Locations

  • There are a few variables like size and shape, but also pain.

    You could always try discuss this with an artist as well, to get their take on it.
  • I have scoliosis, too! Mine is fairly minor, but still annoying at times.

    I actually got mine on my back (ish), on my left side. It's above tramp stamp territory, but below my ribs to minimize a bit of pain. Even if my waistline expands, that part of me should stay (relatively) the same.

    I like that it shows when I'm in a bathing suit, or wearing a sheer top with a bandeau underneath, but I can wear low-back dresses without it showing and being distracting.

    See below. It looks like it's not totally straight/level, but that's just because of how I twisted to take the pic.

  • I have one on my upper thigh (covered at work, but you can see it if I wear short skirts or shorts), my ribs and my foot. Honestly your best bet is to talk to your tattoo artists. Size and shape of the tattoo will be a factor in placement.
  • Size absolutely matters, and even with scoliosis if you get the back of your shoulders done it shouldn't be affected. I have both of mine done and they are probably the least painful ones I've gotten.

    @pumpkinsandturkeys   I absolutely LOVE that poem!! Great quote!
  • I got my first tattoo just above my left shoulder blade for a couple of reasons:
    1) I wanted to make sure I couldn't look while it was being done
    2) I wanted it to be easy to cover for work (I have yet to find any officewear that doesn't cover it)
    3) I wanted it to be easy to show off if I wanted to (It's partially hidden by my bra-strap/tank top)
    I'm very happy with it where it is, although I have freaked out once or twice when people go "What's that on your back?!" and I go "OMG is there a bug on me?!"

    My second tattoo I got on my right forearm, because I realised that most employers (in SA, anyway) don't care about that sort of thing anymore. Half the lawyers at the firm I used to work at had tattoos!

    I would say that size is as big a factor as location though...
    imageDaisypath Friendship tickers
  • I have a tattoo on my ribs. It hurt like hell but it's easily hidden and shouldn't get distorted too easily.
  • Your shoulder blades could be a good option but honestly I think you need to talk to a tattoo artist. Tell the artist your concerns, and wants and pick out a design. They should be able to suggest the best spot that will meet your needs and that the design will flow on the best.
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