Fi and I are planning a visit to FL during spring break (so effing excited for the SUN!) and we are arranging visits with all of our grandmas. But he STILL hasn't called his grandma to confirm that we are coming (she has dementia and his parents/ her nurse know we are coming, but I still think he should call her). His uncle and aunt will be there at the same time, so he also really needs to call them to coordinate the visit.
So today my grandma texted me to see what we're doing that weekend. I texted Fi to say he really needs to call his grandma and uncle so we know what the plan is. His response: "Erm..... Okay I'm texting Uncle now."
Then: "I can't wait until we're married and you can do all this stuff without it being awkward."
Me: "Dude, you're STILL going to be in charge of talking to your side of the family!"
Poor Fi. He has a lot of trouble with words and he gets absolutely paralyzed when he needs to talk on the phone about anything personal (work is fine for some reason). We legitimately think he has dyspraxia but he refuses to go to the doctor because he doesn't want to be labeled with anything. This is the same problem that causes him to "freeze" when FMIL corners us about wedding stuff.
I just think it's funny and kind of endearing he's so awkward about talking to his family he thinks I'll do it once we're married. Sorry, babe. No dice.
"I'm not a rude bitch. I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."