As the folks over in NEY already know, my partner J may have broken his wrist last week. He just had an appointment today (the ER told him to come in after a week if it didn't seem to be improving), and he has an appointment with an orthopedic specialist on Monday (where he'll find out what his x-rays showed and whether or not he needs an MRI). We're quietly panicking about the costs of everything, but J is very concerned about what it's like to recover from a broken bone, if he does have one.
So I'd love to hear feedback from you awesome people who've broken bones. Stuff like:
- What did you break?
- Did you suspect it was broken right away? What tipped you off that your injury might be a broken bone?
- How long did it take for doctors to diagnose it? Were there any reasons it took more than just an initial x-ray?
- What was your experience being in a brace or cast? How long did it last? J is mostly worried about being able to type and shower.
- After the cast was removed, did you need additional recover time until you returned to full activity?
Basically, any feedback would be helpful.
I've only broken a bone once; I broke my pinky toe pretty spectacularly when it got caught on my backpack as I was running to answer the phone. I'd sprained it before (and I've sprained it since), so I knew it was worse than a sprain. Since a sprain and a break for that toe are treated the same way (RICE, and tape it to the next to last toe, continue until it's better), we didn't get x-rays done. I had to keep it taped for a few weeks, and it was hard to walk, but otherwise, I was fine.