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I wish I could register for gear

I hate registries, I hate shopping, I hate home goods stores.  I wish I could register for climbing and camping gear or not register at all.  Just venting; I know registering for non-traditional items would get me the side eye.  My family insists I register for linens and pans, and that's what I'll do.  Side note: I've always been opposed to registries, but my family thinks it would look like I'm asking for cash if I don't register anywhere. Trying to avoid that at all costs.

Re: I wish I could register for gear

  • You can totally register at REI if the stuff is something you will both use!  Be careful with the price pont and make sure that you offer things at a variety of prices.

    Why don't you do the REI (or similar) registry to satisfy yourself and then a more traditional registry for your family?

    And it is okay to NOT register at all.  It is a hint that you would prefer cash, but it isn't rude to not register.  People who would rather give you a physical gift will do so anyway.

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  • It's really okay to register for stuff like that? Huh.. I thought it broke some rules. That makes my day!
  • I personally wouldn't do it (I'm not a huge fan of the outdoors...  lol) but if you are both into camping, hiking, climbing, etc. and will use the items on the registry it is OKAY to register at a store like REI. You just need to make sure you hit a variety of price points on the items like you would on a 'normal' registry.

    Be prepared that you may not get a lot of activity on that registry because it is not the norm, but you do not break any rules by doing it.

    Have fun!

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  • You should register for things you actually want and will use. If that's outdoor equipment, then go ahead and register for that. Also, asking for cash is rude, but not registering and thus perhaps receiving cash by chance isn't rude.
  • You can register for anything that will benefit both of you. If you like to camp and climb together, go for it. You should include some household items, though, for those guests who prefer to buy traditional gifts. 

  • Yupp I say its fine! FI and I are registering at MEC (our REI), we go camping a lot and we also need a new canoe, our's is a 40 year old hand-me-down and is on its last legs.
    I say if you can use it together you can register for it. 

  • Ha, that's why we're registered at amazon. Some regular stuff on there, but there is also photography gear for me and nerdy computer building type gear for FI. I don't see a problem with registering at REI at all. 
  • FiancB My daughter registered on Amazon, too. You would think it would be simple for the guests to use, but the older guests don't understand Amazon. Some don't have computers, others won't use their credit cards to make on line purchases. They didn't complain to my daughter, they complained to me. It would be great if you could include a brick and mortar store for a few items - Macy's or Bed, Bath and Beyond. 
  • We should have registered on Amazon. We weren't going to do a registry at all, but after a few people asked, I threw some wish list stuff up on Macy's so that I'd have somewhere to direct people.

  • Yep, we are registered at brick and mortar as well. Fortunately I think everybody is pretty cool with purchasing online if not preferring it, with the possible exception of FGMIL, and even she lives with FI's uncle who has a handle on that stuff. 
  • I know a couple who registered for a tent and they got it.  Side note it takes a lot of paper to wrap a tent.  
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • We registered at some off the wall places.

    And, if the local Harley Davidson dealership, or the local tack store offered registries, we'd have registered there (people actually ASKED us if we were).

    We did make sure to register at "normal" places; BBB, Target, Sears.  I told him that the Sears one, he could "go buck wild" with it and, "Sure baby.  Put that $300 table saw you want on that list.  You won't get it...but, it's just fun to dream, right?"

    Huh.  No table saw for the wedding.  :)
  • Go for it! We did and we received a lot of it, which I took to mean that people were cool with it!
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  • I bought a friend some kind of camping cooking stove thing.

    To this day I have no idea what it is, but it was on his Sears registry and it was at the price point I wanted to spend. And they gift-wrapped it.


    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • I think it is fine to register for camping or climbing stuff. If you feel pressured to register at least register for stuff you'll use.
  • FH and I both have our own homes so, we didn't really need any household items. After talking with some friends and family, it was suggested we register for items we could use together. We both love hiking and camping so we ended up registering at REI and Target. We pretty much just put camping equipment, yard games, and board games on our registry. I think if you put somehting on the registry that is something the two of you can do together, it's alright. We've had some friends trying to outdo eachother with find the most obscure backyard games so future bbq's will be interesting.
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