Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

officiant question

My fiance is dead set about his father being the one to marry us, he's a retired preist (Anglican I believe). The problem with this is that I don't share the same beliefs with him, at all. Can he preform a civil ceremony even though he was at one time a preist? 

Re: officiant question

  • You soon to be father-in-law would probably jsut feel honored to be asked.  The real question is are you and the future hubby on the same page with this?  Would he be okay with a less formal ceremony?  Some options for you are to look up some readings and information about things you do want in the ceremony and show them to your FI and see what he thinks.....then you guys can go from there.
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  • Back to the original question....yes if he chooses to he can perform a non-religious ceremony. He may choose not to depending on his own beleifs about what marraige is - as these ladies have pointed out some backgrounds have differing ideas/classification of where marraige falls, most pastors will ask you to do some sort of pre-marital, and may ask that you abstain from pre-marital sex until the wedding or other things depending on thier own background and beleifs. My bigger concern is that you say he is retired, I know here (western canada) you have to be commissioned through a church as a pastor/priest etc to be allowed to officiate for people, after you retire, the denomination may or may not 'keep you on thier list' so to speak, and may not be allowed to legally officiate after they retire, the way around this can be to get a JOP to witness and to sign your liscence but have his dad do the actual ceremony, the JOP will just have to witness and ask the question 'is there any reason these 2 should not be married".
    Sorry that was long, its mostly to say if you are going to use the retired priest, make sure he can still legally do it!

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