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NWR - Just need to vent

As a mom I just need a place to scream and cry and let it all out, you ladies are the best so here I am. 

My family returned from our spring break vacation on saturday. My 12 year old boy wants to go play with a friend since we were out of town on friends birthday. Okay, fine, go have fun. Not 20 minutes later he comes screaming into the house "Mom, there's an arrow in my arm!" At first I thought, stupid pre-teen joke, but then the fear in his voice hit me. I drop everything and ran to him, and yes there is an arrow lodged in his upper right arm, backside of arm. (Nerd note, listening to the Dr's talk, it finally registered what side is posterior).

 I freaked out, a million questions went running through my head…Do I call 911…No, it will take too long…Get in car and go….Stop car move him to the backseat so he can lean over….Which hospital do I go to…I know there is one close, but I can't remember where it is at…head to hospital I do know…Should I take him to Children's Mercy…No, the hospital I'm heading to is closer…must get to ER, must get to ER, must get to ER. I try and drive smoothly, but every little bounce hurts him.  I get to the ER, run in screaming for help, he gets wheeled in while I move car to a parking space, get inside waiting room and all eyes are on my son. We go straight to a room and next thing I know the room is filled with Dr.'s, nurses, EMS trainee, a counselor comes to help me. It was INSANE.

He is seen by a general surgeon, trauma surgeon, vascular surgeon, Dr of radiology, has a ton of x-rays and ultrasounds, lots and lots of talking, what type of arrow, what type of tip. Discussion with maintenance people about what would be the best instrument to cut the arrow to a shorter length. My inner voice is screaming get it out!  Finally the decision is made, don't cut the's carbon fiber and will shatter, do more damage…no evidence of vein/artery being cut, no blood pooling, arrow tip is a practice tip…smooth no barbs….no surgery needed, just gonna take it out.  

I learned in high school that I have a strong reaction to anything medical, especially blood, it's makes me extremely faint.  How I dealed with everything up until this point I still can't explain. The final discussion with the 3 surgeons and radiologist sends me over the edge. I was sitting next to my son and about passed out, would have fallen if I was standing up. I then get wheeled out of his room into the waiting room while they take out the arrow. 

Once it is all over, I asked the ER Dr. assigned to him how close was it.  His reply…there were 4 Dr's in the room for a reason. At that point it hit me, I could have lost my son. I'm still in shock over this.  My older son does archery, so my younger son knows better than to be by the target when someone is shooting. He waited until his friend put the bow on the ground, then went to look at the target. His friend then fired at the target, hitting my son instead. I don't think friend intended to hit him, but also didn't think of the dangers either…typical teenage behavior. To make it worse, the friend is a Boy Scout and KNOWS better.  I literally want to put my son in a plastic bubble at this point. I know I can't, but it's a tempting idea. 

I know this is long, sorry for that. I just needed to get this off my chest. I have tried to play it off as a stupid mistake, but my heart is doubled over in pain. Just want to let some of it go.

Re: NWR - Just need to vent

  • Wow that sounds so traumatic.  I'm glad it all worked out okay.  Are you going to talk to the friend or his parents about what happened?  That sounds really irresponsible.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • I'm so glad it all turned out okay! I would be royally pissed and letting that kid and his mother know ALL about it.

  • I am so glad your son is OK.

    And I really hope you're planning on talking to your son's friend's parents, because that behaviour was horribly irresponsible and they should know about it.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • The parents know, my son is like a second son to them. They were scared for him as well. In fact the dad was at the ER with me and my husband (stepdad). They came over the next day to have their son apologize to mine, see if I was okay, etc. They also don't have a problem with submitting the medical bills to their home owner's insurance. There is a part of me that wants to be pissed at them, but they are being so awesome about taking responsibility. 

    Their son can no longer have the bow and arrows unless supervised by them, and no friends over if they are not home. 

    I am so thankful he is okay. Very little blood (I would have fainted if there was any), very little wound, healing beautifully. I couldn't ask for a better outcome. But the potential of what almost happened is what got to me.
  • My goodness. I've used guns and bows/arrows, but we were drilled the danger of them and were taught to take them seriously. I could not even imagine any of us doing at 12. 

    I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. 

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I'm glad your son is okay.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • I'm so glad that your son is ok. (((Hugs)))
  • What a terrible day! I'm glad you're son is ok. It sounds like the other boy's family is really stepping up and hhandling the situation appropriately. For a bad situation, it sounds like you got incredibly lucky for things to work out like this.
  • That is terrifying! Happy everything is ok. Can you maybe send both boys to a safety class? I get that teenagers do dumb stuff, but the more education they have, the better they are.
  • Wow, I am so glad your son is okay. 


  • jenajjthr.  I'm so glad he's going to be okay.  *hugs*

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I'm so glad your son is going to be okay.
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