Chit Chat

Need GIF assistance!

Work blocks many websites and the browser version is well out of date. I cannot see many of the pictures or gifs posted until I am able to leave work. Can someone tell me what the gif in this post is?


Re: Need GIF assistance!

  • A woman at work, smacking her head with a pen in her hand, and then slapping her cheek, looking tired/frustrated.


  • A woman at work, smacking her head with a pen in her hand, and then slapping her cheek, looking tired/frustrated.
    Which is how I felt when lurking the Getting married before a DW thread. Alas, I applaud Jells for fighting the good fight.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • @Jell2Dot0 anytime 'what's her nuts' gets involved you know it's all going to be a circus of I'm getting married even though I'm already married song and dances. I commend you for trying to stand for what is right but I would just let that thread go.
  • @Jell2Dot0 anytime 'what's her nuts' gets involved you know it's all going to be a circus of I'm getting married even though I'm already married song and dances. I commend you for trying to stand for what is right but I would just let that thread go.

    I am going to let it go, but I wanted to know what was posted before I just walked away. Now that I know, I see no reason to respond because it's clearly just going in circles. I don't even know why she had to drudge that post up from the past anyway. She could have just stuck with the post on the Etiquette board.

    @pumpkinsandturkeys thank you for the applause!!


  • @Jells2Dot0 you are definitely so right.
  • I can't believe this still has to be fought. Good luck, Jells!

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