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NWR: Mozilla's New CEO

Has anyone else seen this article?

Firefox Users Boycott Browser Over New Anti-Gay CEO

Anyone have any suggestions (besides IE, and not Linux/Unix based) for a Windows machine? 

Any thoughts? 

On the one hand, I'm behind a company doing whatever they want to do.  That's their freedom and their choice, even if I don't agree with it.
On the other hand, in this day and age to be anti-gay is so damn bigoted, I can't even wrap my head around it.  It's also why I no longer eat at Chik-Fil-A, or shop at Hobby Lobby, or listen to some of the local radio stations.  I just can't support that kind of bullshit thinking in today's day and age.

But, damnit...there goes my favorite web browser.  Bastards.

Re: NWR: Mozilla's New CEO

  • I use Chrome and love, love, LOVE it. 

    But I also have an Android phone, so I'm very Google-friendly. 

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • Google Chrome is the win.
  • Another Chrome user here.

  • I saw that too! It's incredibly frustrating. Although I am not in the party that believes that corporations should be people and have "opinions" on specific issues, and definitely should not have religious beliefs (re: hobby lobby supreme court argument yesterday).

    Try Chrome. I have a mac, but BF has a PC and loves Chrome. Just be aware of when you're signed in (if you have a google account, although who doesn't these days). If you're signed in, chrome will literally remember every single thing you do on the browser.
  • Love Chrome. Use it on my iPhone, on my Mac and I'm trying to get FI to install it on his PC.
  • Thanks everyone.  I had 100% spaced out on Chrome.  Had a FB friend remind of it's existence, so I'll be transitioning to that instead of this stupid IE browser I'm currently bumbling around on. 

    @mbross3; It sucks.  I do agree that they shouldn't be allowed to cram their religious beliefs down anyone's throat (unless you're an actual CHURCH, in which case...caveat emptor).  On the flip side, I know it's a group of people who make up a business, be it large or small and if they want to run it into the ground with narrow-minded and bigoted views, please, be my guest. 

  • @shaylagirl totally agree, and although I may not agree with certain religious or social beliefs, I think non-profits and charity organizations should be allowed to tout their beliefs all they want. I just don't feel the same way about for-profit organizations. Especially very large ones with thousands of employees, etc. 

    btw I LOVE the purple in your wedding dress!! Purple is my absolute favorite color. Did you have that specially designed? Sorry to get so off topic! 
  • ...........Well, I guess I need to download chrome.

    ......I still eat Chic-fil-a.


  • You'll end up loving Chrome. It's all I use, save for weird work applications that only run on old versions of IE.


    I don't know why anyone uses anything else anymore.
  • Ugh. 

    At home I have a Mac, so I use Safari.

    Work computer I use I.E, Firefox.   I don't really have choice with Firefox because our reservations systems works best on there.  One program only work on I.E..  Other sites work on anything.  I like Chrome, but this new reservation system just doesn't work right on it.

    As much as against the anti-gay movement, I don't really have a choice but use Firefox at work.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • @lyndausvi I feel you.  Work is what work is.  I find my mouse seems to automatically keep going to my Firefox icon before I jerk it back and go "NO!  Bad!"  Some programs just are integrated better with certain browsers.  And I don't think anyone who has to use it for work is in the wrong.  Gotta do what you gotta do to pay the bills.

    I've got some freedom at work, and certainly at home though.  So I guess tonight I'll be playing with Chrome and Safari. 
  • chibiyui said:
    ...........Well, I guess I need to download chrome.

    ......I still eat Chic-fil-a.

    HAHAHAHAA!!!  This made me laugh!!!

    My husband knows better than to even ask if I want anything from there (to be fair, I'm not hurting them as I'd only eaten at a Chic Fil A like twice in my entire life).  He thinks I'm kind of silly, but he knows better than to give me hell.  The same way I don't give him hell for eating there.

    Of course, now I'm curious about this sauce.  Is it better than the sauce at Cane's?  o.O 
  • Cane sauce > Chik fil a
    It broke my tummy to give up Chik dil a, but to support them would break my soul.
    Need to go remove firefox tonight…not that I use my home desktop since smartphones came along :-p
    :kiss: ~xoxo~ :kiss:

  • Crap. I always use Firefox at work. I hate IE. Now I need to download Chrome.

    I was introduced to Chik-fil-a a few months before I found out they were evil. It was so sad to learn to love it then let it go.

    Hobby Lobby's also on my shitlist. Which is sad given the great bargains for wedding-related crafts.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I use Chrome, but can someone tell me why I can't open Adobe pdfs in the Chrome browser anymore? I don't want to change.
  • RE: Hobby Lobby, did anyone see the article published by the New Yorker?

    Women Justices Rock the Hobby Lobby Argument

    And, it also broke my hard, husk of a heart when I heard about the multitude of shit Hobby Lobby pulls.  Because I used to go BROKE in that MF'er on crafts and other assorted items of crap.

    Thank goodness for JoAnne's and Michael's.  Unless someone has bad news about them.  In which case, I shall cry bitter, BITTER tears.


  • RE: Hobby Lobby, did anyone see the article published by the New Yorker?

    Women Justices Rock the Hobby Lobby Argument

    And, it also broke my hard, husk of a heart when I heard about the multitude of shit Hobby Lobby pulls.  Because I used to go BROKE in that MF'er on crafts and other assorted items of crap.

    Thank goodness for JoAnne's and Michael's.  Unless someone has bad news about them.  In which case, I shall cry bitter, BITTER tears.


    I also will not shop Hobby Lobby for similar reasons I don't eat a Chik Fil A.  I had never shopped there before actually, although I probably would have with wedding stuff coming up.  Religious liberty =/= excuse to discriminate.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  •   Religious liberty =/= excuse to discriminate.
    Damn straight.

    @shaylagirl- I saw that article and loved it. I also appreciated this article about the legal issues behind their approach: (then again, I adore pretty much all things Slate!)

    RE: Hobby Lobby, did anyone see the article published by the New Yorker?

    Women Justices Rock the Hobby Lobby Argument

    And, it also broke my hard, husk of a heart when I heard about the multitude of shit Hobby Lobby pulls.  Because I used to go BROKE in that MF'er on crafts and other assorted items of crap.

    Thank goodness for JoAnne's and Michael's.  Unless someone has bad news about them.  In which case, I shall cry bitter, BITTER tears.


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I don't get Hobby Lobby's argument at all. Let's just be honest: they know BC is expensive and they don't want to pay for it. 

    Didn't know about Firefox but I use Chrome anyway so win. And Chik-Fil-A doesn't exist up here and I had it once and wasn't that crazy about it anyway.

    Kind of torn on this issue. On one hand, business should be able to do what they want. On the other, what makes them think they should be spouting off on their opinion on this stuff? And I'm not cool with bigotry, soo... I can't help myself. Starbucks>Chik-Fil-A it is. 
  • For anyone still following this:
    From the article:

    "In a statement on the Mozilla website, executive chairwoman Mitchell Baker, said today: "Mozilla prides itself on being held to a different standard and, this past week, we didn’t live up to it. We know why people are hurt and angry, and they are right: it’s because we haven’t stayed true to ourselves.

    "Brendan Eich has chosen to step down from his role as CEO. He’s made this decision for Mozilla and our community," Baker wrote. "Mozilla believes both in equality and freedom of speech. Equality is necessary for meaningful speech. And you need free speech to fight for equality. Figuring out how to stand for both at the same time can be hard.""

    This makes my heart happy.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Thank.God.

    But it shouldn't have taken them two weeks to make him step down.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • I'm sure they needed the time to work out how much money they were giving him to go away.

  • All I know is when I saw George Takei post it on his FB feed last night, I jumped for joy!!!

    I'd already uninstalled it from my personal laptop, but still had it on my work machine.

    EFF YOU IE!!  Welcome back Firefox!!

    Also, did anyone else see OkCupid put up a notice on their page a few days ago asking users to please not use Firefox due to all of this?  Thumbs up to you as well OkCupid!!  :)
  • Why are so many people so weirdly obsessed with who fucks who?  I'm so done with even trying to tolerate anti-gay people.  Just the concept that they legitimately care about other people's sex lives, and care so damn much they feel the need to alienate people over it, makes them too fucking creepy to deal with.  
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