Today was our Sunday for Reconciliation (each month, one of the classes is assigned to go to Reconciliation in lieu of having regular class).
My kids are sixth-graders, so they're on the cusp of being able to commit serious sins but still being little-kid enough to be scared.
They all did SO GREAT today. Three of them did face-to-face, which surprised me, but I was proud. I went first and had also done face-to-face, so at least there was a precedent.
I also told them that if they were good while I was in Confession, I'd make them cookies next week. They were good, so they get cookies.
DH, meanwhile, wants to know why HE doesn't get cookies. I told him that if he had gone to Reconciliation, he would have gotten cookies, too.
But I was so, so, SO proud of them.
I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'