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bad dreams

My wedding is in December and I'm starting to get bad dreams. Like the other night I dreamed that my ring didn't fit when fi went to put it on my hand.

Tonight I woke up addresses dreaming that my mom's dead beat sperm donor of a father showed up at the wedding (he was invited to my cousin's, but I refuse to invite him). He drove ten hours to surprise us. I have met him one and honestly don't remember his name. In said dream, we turned him away and somehow convinced every bowl to do the same, so he slept in his car. Ridiculous.

Anyways, I only remember discomforting or bad dreams. Any bad dreams for you ladies? Is this normal?

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Re: bad dreams

  • Every few months, I have a terrible lifelike dream that Fi has died.  Not of him actually dying, more like somebody coming to tell me he is dead or I just have the realization somehow in the dream.  Those are no fun at all.  And I sometimes still have hurricane nightmares.  But no bad wedding dreams yet-- maybe I'm not close enough.

    It's currently 6:45am here and I've been awake for a few hours tossing and turning over the HIMYM finale!  I finally just got up.  I'm a light sleeper and if something is on my mind, sleep is just not happening.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • I dream that's it's the day of my wedding and I'm no more prepared than I am at this moment. I have paid off the photographer, but I hadn't yet when I had my last wedding dream. In the dream I hadn't paid yet, and the photographer did not show up. I've dreamed that I got to the venue only to realize the dress I have is not what I picked out, or that I have forgotten it all together.
  • I haven't had any in awhile but I've dreamed basically the day of the wedding I was completely unprepared for a lot. 

    My favorite dream was the one where no one was getting ready very similar to the friends episode


  • I had a dream where I got my dress and the hem was about 6 inches too short. And several where I realize it's my wedding day and I never got around to sending invitations or getting anything else done, so I'm paralyzed in fear that no one will show up, FI will be mad at me, and nothing is ready. I haven't had any in a while though. 

    But the other night, NWR, I dreamed I crapped my pants. wtf. That's a first. 
  • I have wedding dreams/nightmares a couple times a week  They always involve me forgetting something the day of the wedding or not having something.  The latest one was that as I was getting ready to head to the venue to get ready for the wedding, I realized I didn't buy any earrings to wear, so I called around to all the local stores asking for "Pearl Drop Earrings" and no one had any, so I called all my friends and family asking to borrow some. No one had any and I was earring-less. Like, this is the stuff I'm concerned about -_-
  • well I'm glad to see that this is somewhat normal. I just hope I don't get too many more! :) thanks ladies.

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