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What do you think about this?

On the radio they said it's being developed and within the next year people will have the capability to text 911. They said it will save millions of lives because it will allow deaf people to get help and if you are in an unsafe situation like hiding during a break in you can text. They also said you will be able to do picture messages and video in the case of a car accident you would send a picture of someone's wounds and the EMT would tell you what to do until they arrive.

It makes sense and I think it is going to help a lot of people. But FI thinks it's going to be a disaster because how can you regulate the texts from a bunch of kids saying "omg my backpack got stolen". I mean back in the day our parents taught us common sense and never to call 911 unless it's a true emergency but I feel like kids these days don't have common sense and just do whatever the hell they want and when they try to get punished, the parents object the authority and stand up for their special snowflakes.



Re: What do you think about this?

  • I think it will have a huge impact for a lot of people but there will definitely be those who abuse it, like the teenagers in question.

    My bigger concern would be reading the messages. I suck at "text speak" and frequently have to read text messages aloud to understand what the person is trying to say. There are tons of tweens and teens in FI's family who I still can't figure out that way. I also think about people who aren't great with English- it's much easier to figure out what someone means when you're speaking than with texts. I can understand what the non-English speakers of the family are meaning when there are words but with texts, it would be much more complex.
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  • You can already do that some places. And really, you can't regulate who calls 911 now. Tons of stupid people call. People are always in the news for calling to get a police officers number, because mcdonalds forget cheese on the burger, asking them to pick up beer, etc. And its not teens its usually adults.

  • It's being introduced here this fall, and it's already available in other cities in my Province.  It is regulated as to who can use it.  It can currently only be accessed by people who are Deaf, hard of hearing or who have speech impediments.  It can't be accessed by the general public, and it's something you have to sign up for through your provider, so randoms can't use it.  I think it's fantastic

  • You can already do that here in PA in several counties. The same reasons were given -- it's helpful for people who are deaf or hearing-impaired, and it's helpful when people can't talk on the phone for safety reasons, like if your home is being invaded.

    When it rolled out in a neighbouring county, we covered it, and one of the questions asked was 'What about prank texts from kids?' The answer, at least here, is that obviously they'll trace the text, and they'll charge the person with making a false report and they'll fine them -- just like they do for prank 911 calls now.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • I think it's great. I have always wondered what I would do if I were in a situation in which I'm in a closet with an intruder/killer right outside and I need to call for help. There will probably be prank texts from dumb teens, but hopefully they are able to trace those and fine the hell out of them. 


  • That's perfect! I didn't know you could actually get fined for that, makes me definitely look forward to the service being available widespread.



  • I think that's pretty awesome.
  • Oh yeah it's a crime to file a false police report, which is what your'e doing if you prank 911.  I think the texting option is great and should be available to everyone.

    I would probably still call unless I could not speak for safety reasons, just because it would be better to get talked through something if I had to help someone.  But I think the text option could have a lot of really good uses.
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    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • Kid already can call 911 so I don't think it will cause any increase in fake reports. The positives of being able to communicate when you can't hear/speak way outweigh the negatives of kids being kids, doing something they already can do.
  • Oh yeah, you already get fined and you can get arrested.

  • I think that's awesome.  There are a lot of situations such as home invasions, being stalked home etc. where the perpetrator HEARING you call 911 would make the situation much worse and seriously decrease your chances of getting out alive.

    I would feel safer being able to text 911. FI goes to college so I'm alone in my apartment most nights.  If someone broke in being able to hide and text 911 would be WAY more useful than trying to call 911 without being heard.  And way more useful than my current plan, which is to make use of my steak knifes, which has a lot of holes, including wether or not I would actually be capable of stabbing someone.
  • @haileydancingbear I would never attempt to use knives because I'm weak and they would easily just take them from me and use it on me! When FI is not home I always watch tv in the bedroom with my purse and keys next to me. My plan is any noise in the living room- I grab car keys and jump out my window (first floor)! I actually keep my purse on my nightstand each night as well so if I ever need to evacuate for a fire or something.



  • @jenna8984 I never said it was a good plan, lol, just my only one :P.  I would be relying on sheer adrenaline, so that's not exactly reliable, although I'm thinking of having FI teach me how to defend myself.  He was enrolled in courses for years growing up and is really good at it.
     I live on the second floor so I wouldn't be able to escape too easily.  I could try going down the deck, but the door to the deck is right across from the door into the apartment so the escape route would be quickly blocked.

    Luckily though, I DO live in a safe area, but I feel it's always a good idea to hope for the best, but plan for the worst.
  • One of my friends had to use this feature recently. Someone had broken into her home and she text instead of calling, because she was so frightened for her and her children's lives. 
  • This sounds very useful to me.
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