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Panic attacks?

I had a really busy weekend. We had to finish packing because we are moving next weekend and it was turn to take my great grandmother to her treatment yesterday. So I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off all weekend. Well earlier today when I boxing up some stuff in the living room I had a full fledge panic attack. It freaked me out because I've never had one before. It took me forever to bounce back from it. Anyone get panic attacks and if so how do you deal with them?

Re: Panic attacks?

  • I get them occasionally. I deal with them so so. 

    I try to calm myself down. Try breathing exercises, especially if you do any kind of yoga. I then try to do something, normal/easy/relaxing. Read, watch TV, play an easy game. If FI is around I might ask for cuddles. I also try to notice what triggers them and avoid that. For a while I would have panic attacks while trying to go to sleep, so I would read until I was tired enough to go right to bed. 

    Try not to stress yourself out about it. If this is your first panic attack, don't let yourself get into pattern of when you get stressed or busy, thinking about it. If you start to have panic attacks on a more frequent basis, try to see if something in common is triggering them.  

  • I think I get them as a complication from my PTSD, although I've been having issues with my insurance and haven't actually asked a doctor about it.  I sometimes feel like a truck is parked on my chest and I'm having a heart attack.  Is that what you mean?

    In the moment, the only thing I can really do is wait it out and hopefully find somewhere quiet, get away from other people and whatever is triggering me or stressing me out.  I find in general that my PTSD is better managed when I get enough sleep and exercise, plan out my day so I don't get overwhelmed with too much to do at one time, and avoid known triggers.  Not sure how much of that advice carries over to your issue.

    My general advice is just to take care of yourself.  It's lame but stay hydrated.  A glass of water or herbal tea always makes me feel better.  Maybe put a heating pad on your neck and relax with some tea.  I hope things get better for you!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • Thanks guys! Things haven't been bad. Just busy. I'm going to try not to stress about it. It was the first time it happened and it freaked me out a bit.
  • I'm sorry OP, panic attacks are no fun :(

    I find alternate nostril breathing really useful to control my physical symptoms and clear my mind. If it happens again, sit down, take some deep breaths, and try to think about something relaxing. Remember that the world won't stop spinning over whatever it is that you're worried about. And I like @JCBride2014's advice about staying relaxed in general. Of course, if it starts happening more often then I definitely recommend seeing a counselor. There's no shame and they can really help!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • At least you were able to recognize it for what it is.  Moving is one of the most stressful things you will ever do.  DH and I have been discussing moving to a larger home, but we don't want the stress of moving again.  It is also a great test of a marriage.  If you can survive your wedding and a couple of moves, you are probably meant to be together forever!
  • It's a horrible experience & I hope you never have one again. My only panic attack happened a couple weeks before the bar exam & it was just the once. I took a walk outside & calmed down.
  • I actually started to have a full on panic attack last night at FI's parents house. I know some of my triggers but I have no idea how to deal with them. I have pretty bad general anxiety and occasionally get panic attacks. I've quite a few since we bought our house a month ago and have since moved in. Big changes make me really upset. A panic attack for me results in me passing out so try very hard to concentrate on not fainting and regulating my breathing to get through it. It's one of the worst feelings in the world and I'm sorry you had to experience it :/
  • I get them at the most random places, grocery shopping or even at home. I am not sure what sets my panic attacks off but I can recognize when they are coming. I try to focus on my breathing and trying to calm myself. I had one at the lighting of the Christmas tree in Boston. That was the worst one since I was surrounded by people. I was eventually able to calm myself down enough to stay. With the exception of that, stress doesn't trigger an attack. I have been super stressed lately and I haven't had an attack.
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