I have posted before about my Partner From Hell on a law school clinic (we have a real live client with real live problems, "this is not a drill" type of work). Quick back story: this girl has been late for every single meeting, turns in work significantly late, has rescheduled important meetings at the last minute because she "didn't sleep well last night," is often MIA for long stretches of time, and the work she does turn in is sub-par.
The problems have intensified, despite the best efforts of my professor and myself. She was supposed to turn in a document on Sunday and never did. Then on Monday morning, she was MIA for an important conference call with our client. Not an internal team meeting... a client meeting. It was very embarrassing. My prof went to her class that day after the call to talk to her, but PFH was not in class. Then PFH emailed me that afternoon about something unrelated, and did not even mention the conference call. Did not apologize, did not explain, did not ask how it went.
Today we had a regularly scheduled team meeting. I emailed PFH and Prof and said I thought we needed to talk about expectations and division of work. PFH showed up late (per usual) to the meeting, already red-faced and crying. She apologized in a general way, but then she started playing the victim and said I "misinterpret" what's going on with her. She said she thought I was just pissed off at her, which is why she didn't tell me why she missed the conference call. Oh and why did she miss the call? Because she overslept, due to her "overwhelming insomnia and headaches." (sidebar: it's not my place to judge whether she's lying or not. But as someone with PTSD, panic attacks, and insomnia, who still manages to get all my work done and keep an honors GPA, I am not impressed. Everybody has health issues-- professionals manage it and communicate as necessary).
Prof tried to brainstorm a solution going forward, but PFH said she thought time sheets were "micromanaging" and that it wasn't "fair" that she has to do a timesheet and I don't. Prof gave her a speech about the importance of her professional reputation, the fact that she has lost trust with both me and Prof, etc. However, once PFH turned on the waterworks, Prof seemed much more concerned about making her feel better than really holding her accountable.
I have had it up to here. This is now the third time that we have had a direct conversation about her problem with deadlines and timeliness. I'm frankly insulted that in this pass/fail class, which makes up half of our semester credits, she might pass and essentially earn the same grade as me. I'm paying $14,000 for these 7 credits, all so that I can babysit her.
Pass the wine, ladies.
"I'm not a rude bitch. I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."