I know I'm not really a reg here, but I need advice from other people who aren't engaged yet, so I hope you don't mind me posting this.
I have a friend, A, who has recently started seeing this new guy, R. She is convinced he is The One. Since they met, they've spent virtually every day together, and since they made it 'official' on FB, they haven't spent one single night apart.
By 'recently' I mean...they met mid-April. And that's fine, I'm not judging. DH and I had our first date in August, made it 'official' in October, got engaged in December, and got married the following October. I understand quick engagements.
However...in the time I have known my friend (we used to be co-workers), she has dated five or six guys, all of whom are 'The One.' She just turned 28, she's watching all her college friends get married, and she really wants to be married, be a SAHM, be a part-time Zumba instructor, and raise babies. And there's nothing WRONG with that.
But I worry that she's rushing. I worry that she's so anxious to get married she's rushing toward that and not enjoying the dating/getting to know you period that this time is for her.
And I don't know how to tell her that because every time someone even slightly suggests that she might be moving too fast, she accuses them of being jealous and judgemental and not 'understanding' her.
I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'