Another thread over on NEY got me thinking about this and I'm sure some of you ladies have good advice.
FI and I have been talking about going back to school lately. Both of us have been considering a MBA, but in terms of financing and career advancement it really only makes sense for him right now, and not for me. He would probably do a weekend program and continue to work full time. He recently told me that he's thinking he wants to start in January 2016, which would be about 8 months after we get married. I'm concerned that this would be a lot of stress in our first year of marriage (it will also be our first time living together) and he won't be around very much. Even if he only has class on Saturday, I'm sure he'll have homework and group projects to juggle on weekdays, plus he would have to start taking a calculus class and all the GMAT prep stuff very shortly after the wedding.
Am I worrying too much here? Have any of you ladies been through this? If so, how did you handle it? I know we need to just talk about it, but I don't want to come across as unsupportive or anything.