Chit Chat

A good giggle for tonight

I called my cousin who is graduating high school tonight to find out if there's anything he needs or wants for graduation. His oh-so-eloquent response: "I know I'm not suppose to say it but cash would be awesome!". I giggled, sighed in my head, and reminded him that if he wants cash he can tell people "I don't really need anything else for school right now but I am saving for X." Gotta love teenagers!

Re: A good giggle for tonight

  • I tried that once. My mom asked what FI and I would like for Christmas, and I said we didn't really need anything, but we were saving up to prepare for an upcoming trip down south (summer clothes, airfare, etc.). Well, she ended up getting us an extremely large, plain black set of LUGGAGE. This, to me, was a very obscure gift, since we already have barely-used luggage and to me plain black is just asking for someone to take your bag thinking it is theirs. Next time I will try to word it more carefully, I guess.
  • lol. Teenagers are funny. 

    I love your user name btw - Once Upon A Vine makes some of my favorite wines. 
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