Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Need Officiant!!

Can anybody help?!  Our officiant backed out on us 3 months (June 22) away from our wedding-- we are looking to have a nondenominational ceremony-- any suggestions or referrals?  We want a simple ceremony and someone that can accept that.  THANKS!!!

Re: Need Officiant!!

  • Have you tried Googling wedding officiants in Milwaukee? Otherwise, I would recommend posting this question on the WI board, you'll probably get more responses. I grew up in Milwaukee, but moved away 13 years ago, sorry I can't help!
  • oops!  I thought I posted this under Milwaukee... :)

  • You can also maybe look into getting a friend or family member ordained online :)
  • Did you check out  I can't emphasize enough how much that has simplified my life.  You can go there, message all of the ones with good ratings and let them come to you.  You never know who had a bride cancel on them and suddenly have your perfect day available.  While you're there, you'll be a huge help to future brides if you post about your awful officiant that backed out.  I can't believe he did that to you!
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