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supernatural, anyone? spoiler alert from finale


I KNEW Dean wasn't going to stay dead. How many times have those boys died? But a demon now? Dayyym!

Also I'm going to the Con in Chicago in October. Gonna get my picture with Jensen! Squee!

Re: supernatural, anyone? spoiler alert from finale

  • It's hard to get excited about any of the characters dying, because they always come back.  lol  Kinda like Vampire Diaries - it's hard to be upset when magic brings them back.

  • I cried so hard, even though I knew he wouldn't stay dead, those boys never stay dead. But a demon, and probably knight of hell!! I just can't!!
  • I couldn't get upset that he died because with Season 10, he couldn't have. I actually felt kind of weird that I wasn't upset that he died. It was pretty emotional, objectively speaking. 
    I was excited to see what magic would bring him back.  It would be bad-ass if he became a knight of hell.  I wonder if he'll be automatically evil, or still kind of human? How long does that "descent" take?

    I saw talk elsewhere of maybe Sam completing the Challenges by rehabilitating Demon-Dean, since he failed at rehabilitating Crowley at the end of Season 8.  

    I will say that the episode that makes me sob is when Jo dies... Dean kisses her goodbye, the explosion happens, and then they burn the group picture in the fire.... Gah!  

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