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Any math whizzes here? Need help with a tournament schedule

I am wondering if anyone can help me. I am trying to schedule a tournament involving 18 teams and 6 different events. The idea is Teams A, B, and C compete in Event 1 at 1:00 (and Teams A, B, and C should not compete against one another again). I have uploaded a jpeg of what the spreadsheet should look like. I have tried doing this manually but continue to hit road blocks. There must be an algorithm for this or something!

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Re: Any math whizzes here? Need help with a tournament schedule

  • pinkshorts27pinkshorts27 member
    1000 Comments 500 Love Its First Anniversary First Answer
    edited May 2014
    I can help after class if someone else hasn't yet, I just have a few questions.
    -Do three teams play against each other in each event? 

    -I see that A vs. B vs. C can't happen again, but can A vs. B vs. D?

    I'm a little confused by your spread sheet. At one I see AvsA, A vs B, and A vs M? Is this supposed to be A vs. B vs. M?  And why does A go back to that even at 5pm? 

    How many times should each team do an event?

    Can a team be at two events at once (do events require different number of people)?

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  • @pinkshorts27


    I'm sorry for the confusion!  The letters are the first initial of each player.  So in box one I put Team A&A rather than Adam and Alicia - just to simplify... I can see how that makes it more confusing though. I replaced the letters with just a team number.

    In the 1:00 slot, teams 1 and 2 will play each other, teams 2 and 3 will play eachother, and teams 1 and 3 will play each other.  Each "event" is kind of like a station.  So those three teams start at the first station.  They should not return to the same station or play any of the same teams for the rest of the day.

    Thanks for your help!

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  • Great. Thanks. Let me see what I can do. 

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  • Further Questions:
    Are you trying to make each team play each other team? Or do you care?

    For example if we have 6 events, let us only look at team 1:

    Event 1 they play team 2 and 3
    Event 2 they play team 4 and 5
    Event 3 they play team 6 and 7
    Event 4 they play team 8 and 9
    Event 5 they play team 10 and 11
    Event 6 they play team 12 and 13

    And they have yet to play 14-18, but have completed all events. Is this okay?

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  • I'll also take a crack at it, if you can answer pink's questions and also upload the new file with numbers rather than names.

    I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'
  • All teams should play each other at some point.  But now I'm realizing a flaw in my plan.  If each team has two new opponents per event, there would need to be 9 events, not 6... shit! 




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  • lol I'm nosey- what are these events?



  • Ok, I'm adding events right now. And I'll try to get this done in class (class starts in 10 min)

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  • Can we have one repeat team? Or one event with two teams, because unless I'm mistaken I get the following for Team 1: 

    Event 1 they play team 2 and 3
    Event 2 they play team 4 and 5
    Event 3 they play team 6 and 7
    Event 4 they play team 8 and 9
    Event 5 they play team 10 and 11
    Event 6 they play team 12 and 13
    Event 7 they play team 14 and 15
    Event 8 they play team 16 and 17
    Event 9 they play team 18

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  • @jenna8984 they aren't set in stone yet, but things like bags (aka cornhole), KanJam (clicky), ladder ball, etc.  Lawn games, mostly.


    @pinkshorts27 Thanks for your help!

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  • Can we have one repeat team? Or one event with two teams, because unless I'm mistaken I get the following for Team 1: 

    Event 1 they play team 2 and 3
    Event 2 they play team 4 and 5
    Event 3 they play team 6 and 7
    Event 4 they play team 8 and 9
    Event 5 they play team 10 and 11
    Event 6 they play team 12 and 13
    Event 7 they play team 14 and 15
    Event 8 they play team 16 and 17
    Event 9 they play team 18
    This is what I was thinking. Maybe I'll just make Event 9 the most time-consuming game.
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  • Ok, I'm working. Almost done. Give me a few minutes, just trying to solve some little things. 

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  • You're the greatest @pinkshorts27!
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  • pinkshorts27pinkshorts27 member
    1000 Comments 500 Love Its First Anniversary First Answer
    edited May 2014
    Hey, so I worked myself into a corner and have an assignment due today. I might just write a program to do it for me after I finish my hw. 

    ETA: sorry it is taking so long. :( 

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  • @pinkshorts27 no problem... I kept running into issues too.  I was hoping there was a mathematical solution to this (I'm sure there is, I'm just not sure what it is). 

    Thanks a million for trying!

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  • I'll return to it when I'm done with school commitments and let you know. Worse come to worse, I'll brute force it, using a program which I could easily do.

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  • @pinkshorts27 I don't want this to take up more time than you have already spent!  I really appreciate your help :)  I just feel bad!
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