My FI works in sales. His company is really heavy on the sales incentives, so he often gets a lot of free swag (gift cards and whatnot). Last year as the top seller in his division, he won an all-expenses paid Caribbean cruise for the both of us (including airfare, shuttle, etc.). Super awesome. This year, he's in a different role where he'll never outsell the top guy to win the cruise again, BUT they were reconfiguring their incentives and debating sending all the #2 guys to Vegas. FI loves him some slot machines, so he was pretty excited at this prospect.
Well he just emailed me saying he's super pumped because they announced he WILL be going to Vegas! Yay! July 31 through... August 3. My birthday. Womp womp.
He didn't mention anything like "I know that's your birthday but I'll be home early." I don't THINK he forgot... last year I was similarly bummed that his softball playoffs were on my birthday, but he insisted they'd be done in plenty of time to go to dinner anyway, and the dinner part of the birthday is the big deal and we didn't have anything else planned during the day anyway, which was true. So I got over myself, and he ended up throwing a surprise party after dinner so I couldn't be mad.
I'm turning 31, so I probably shouldn't give a crap anymore because I should be too old to whine about my own birthday, especially since it's such an irrelevant one. But even if he's home in time for dinner, he won't be around for any other celebrating with family and friends. I know I should be super happy because that's an awesome prize for him personally and a big accomplishment professionally. I don't expect him not to go... but I'm sadpanda that he didn't even mention it, and I'll have to spend the whole weekend alone.
TL/DR I need some cheese with my whine, please. And wine.