My FMIL has invited herself to dress shopping. She has done this by saying, "when are WE going dress shopping" several times to me. I keep saying I am waiting for my cousin to come into town in mid- August. My FMIL and I are not close. She has called me a Bridezilla to my face twice. I have asked my friends, Fiance and my own mother if I have been acting like a bridezilla because she has said this to me and no one thinks I have been a Bridezilla. And honestly I have made every effort to not act that way as I have seen too many bridezilla shows. My FMIL has also made other comments that have hurt my feelings which I won't go into here.
How do I nicely say, "your not invited to dress shopping" without hurting her feelings? I don't want her to come as she has made rude comments to me at every opportunity, including last week at my Fiance's surprise birthday I planned for him. I am tired of getting my feelings hurt.
Any suggestions?