This week, while I had days off, I went through my cabinet o' crap that resembles toiletries and make-up.
(Also, it just occured to me that theknot has been making everything run into giant paragraphs. I shall be pissy if this post xcomes out as a wall-o-text)
I threw away old stuff and stuff I didn't love and promised myself I would buy non-crappy replacements for some of them. I'm getting elderly and no longer need to buy 'cheap' make-up--I shall buy stuff that isn't crap (although I admit that I am partial to not having to go to 7 stores. So if I can't get it at Rite-Aid, I'd kinda like to be able to order it online, because I hate public)
You guys are generally speaking much smarter on this stuff than I am--and I've seen pictures so I know that you all are lovely.
So if there is stuff I should love, let me know
Stuff I dont need:
I have a mascara I love (Cover Girl Lash Exact in the purple tube).
I love the Jergens BBBody cream.
I have a foundation that I mix w/ a moisturiser I like for tinted moisturizer.
I have translucent powder that's adequate (but not stellar)
I have *some* good make-up brushes. (which I washed, because I was being a clean person. And then had to re-wash because the cat steals them to cuddle with)
Stuff I would love recommendations on:
-My eyelash curler is awful--it's just cheap and pinchy. I don't use them all that often, but when I do, I want them to work and not be pinchy
-I have no good concealer. Foundation, yes, but concealer, need.
-I don't do eyeliner (my own skills are lacking) and I've seen some light colored liners look awesome on people. I have no idea what it is I'm asking for info on though.
-I started using Covergirl Outlast lipstick before I got married. I still like some of it, but I would like some 'normal' lipstick. I apparently don't know crap about lipstick either-other than knowing brownish reds /wines look OK on me usually. And I've never really messed w/ lipliner--when I had cheap lipliners the results were awful, so I haven't bothered to try again w/ non crap lip liners.
-I've used primer once (target beauty box sample) but don't get the appeal--is it something I should care about?
-I have a powder blush I like, but I know that I used to layer it over a liquid/gel blush and it worked better--but they quit making whatever the gel was. Suggestions?
-my eyeshadows are 'meh'. I have some that look good, but not amazing.
-Is there something else I need? toss that in here too. I'm pale and haven't ever tried anything resembling bronzer or highlighter, which I was looking at online last night when I threw up my hands and said "I'll ask smart people".
(Seeing if going in w/ a different browser fixes the no enters thing. Apparently needs to make things compatable w/ firefox