I need an outside perspective on this.
I work mostly nights and weekends. It's pretty much the opposite schedule as my two best friends, who work M-F 9-5. So, when I do miraculously have off on the weekend, I try to let them know as soon as the schedule is posted so we can make plans. Especially if I happen to have off at night. It's so rare. Usually they already have plans, which sucks, but I can't get my schedule any earlier, you know?
Well, I had off last Saturday night. I contacted Elizabeth and Jessica right away and told them. Elizabeth was busy, but Jessica was free so the two of us made plans for dinner. The day before, she texted me cancelling. We rescheduled to tomorrow night.
Today, I'm on Facebook and a friend of ours had several posts up about a great time she, Jessica and Elizabeth had with their significant others on Saturday night.
I know it sounds silly, but I'm hurt. Is that an appropriate emotion to have, in this case? I mean, is it wrong that I figured she was cancelling for something she was obligated to attend, not a "better offer?" Which is what it feels like.
I kinda don't feel like going to dinner with Jessica tomorrow. Should I get over this whole thing and go? Or should I just reschedule for another time when I'm thinking more clear?