Ran across this
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jennie-shulkin/parent-facebook-advice_b_5695082.html (someone please teach this non techie how to do a "clicky")
I'm 40, and I find her rules to be condescending and rude. I do have a 90 year old grandpa that doesn't really know how to use FB, but he's 90! I give him latitude, but the fact of the matter is this man is on FB! His mental capacity is still there, he still drives (better than his son...my step dad who is 68), is in better health than most of his kids, grandkids, and great grandkids. So what if he makes a post that should have been a PM or likes something "first."
This girl needs to get over herself or needs to to learn to us the FB functions better herself.
/end rant/