My family hasn't been harassing us for babies, like at all. My sister says she wants to be an auntie but that's it. Nothing like the pressure some of you Knotties have described.
Today FMIL texted me to ask how work was going (my own parents didn't text me but she did--- I love her). I told her I expect to be there pretty late because the associate who's supervising me on the most time-sensitive case is going on her honeymoon for two weeks, and she said she typically stays until 9. FMIL's response: "lol better get pregnant soon! jk!" I said "when it's time" I'm sure I'll be ready for maternity leave. FMIL: "better sooner than later! I want to be a Nonna!"
Sigh. We do want kids. But I'd rather not take maternity leave within my first year of work, jeesh. Let me warm up my desk chair first, FMIL!
"I'm not a rude bitch. I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."