Chit Chat

Happy Friday

I'm sitting in a Mexican Grill at the airport, working on my strawberry margarita, trying to get tipsy before take off. It's going to be a long day.

Hope everyone has lovely weekends, and congrats to this weekends brides!

Also, please keep me entertained. I need to improve my personal quality.

And there's a dude all like, what someone with Ebola could sneeze on somebody and spread it. I might need anothere margarita.


Re: Happy Friday

  • loro929loro929 member
    250 Love Its 500 Comments Third Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited October 2014
    chibiyui said:
    Wait, is this in real time?  You're having a margarita before 6:30am?  Are you my spirit animal?
    Even better, we sat down at 5:40 and were told that they can't serve alcohol till 6. She came back and took our drink order at 5:55.
    It's after 5 (PM) in Bangkok :DCLICKY
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • That looks like an amazing breakfast! I'm supposed to leave for work in 4 minutes. I'm still in bed. I really do need to improve my personal quality. Maybe next week.
    I think you're pretty quality. "Good stock" as we would say in the midwest.

    I would still be in bed if I didn't have meetings this morning.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • Where are you off too this morning? I quit drinking 7 years ago so that marg would surely make me gag...sorry I guess I have boring personal quality.

    But I'm heading to the Cape (Cape Cod) after work today. It's my friend's birthday so we're doing a little weekend getaway at her aunt's beach home. It won't be warm enough to swim of course but just hanging out with the ladies and her 6 month old baby. While husband is at home hopefully finishing up the bathroom reno. Yay!



  • Happy Friday! You're wearing this, arent' you?

  • I got behind a man at the gas station who was buying a case of beer at 6:30 am. Apparently he had been waiting for ten minutes to be able to buy lol.

  • A margarita for breakfast sound delish!

    My Friday morning suuuuucks. The dog peed on the bathmat and shower curtain this morning, so that was a fun mess to clean up. Then I check my bank account and see that my paycheck was for WAY less than I thought it would be, despite getting a raise so had to shoot off an email to payroll asking WTF. Luckily I get to leave work at 3 today (thanks boss lady) and H and I are going to a beer tasting event tonight. I can't wait to sample ALL the beer and eat all of the delicious food they are going to have, like the mashed potato bar.

  • god vless you for margarita, looks slim

    The highlight of my Friday was going out to get groceries and enjoying the pretty flowers FI got. Will be making chicken supreme and roast new potatoes for dinner. Unfortunately FI won't be back until 10pm (gym) and it's not even 3pm yet :(
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Margarita for breakfast is the breakfast of champions. 

    I'm so happy it is finally Friday. I'm going to happy hour with my work crew later on, which we have not done in ages, so it should be a fun Friday night :)


  • Friday is not so happy for me. Second to last day of studying for my licensure exam, so I was up at 6 with pumpkin spice coffee in hand. 2 hours of studying before work, and then taking a half day to go back home and keep studying. I can freaking TASTE the gigantic margarita I'm gonna have to celebrate on Sunday!
  • I'm starting my prednisone taper again today!!!! It was an epic fail last time, so fingers crossed. Since I may need to take Dilaudid, I can't have a margarita :( I'll have to stick to diet coke for now. 


  • My mom and dad just left for their vacation yesterday, my momma clorox wiped every. motherfucking. thing. that she was going to touch. Everydamnthing.

    I'm pressed that they didn't send me any of their tropical drink pictures last night so I better get a bunch today.

    I'm the fuck

  • Yay Friday! DH and I took Monday off "just because", so I am looking forward to my 3 day weekend. We have plans to see the original Halloween movie at the drive in, go to a corn maze, play some board games together, get some thai food, and spend lots of quality time together. 5 o'clock needs to hurry up!
  • chibiyui said:
    Wait, is this in real time?  You're having a margarita before 6:30am?  Are you my spirit animal?
    Even better, we sat down at 5:40 and were told that they can't serve alcohol till 6. She came back and took our drink order at 5:55.
    Airports are the best. I don't care what anyone says.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @jenna8984‌ wedding in CA.

    We just touched down in phoenix. I need a bathroom and better wifi. And anoanother margarita.

  • chibiyui said:
    @jenna8984‌ wedding in CA. We just touched down in phoenix. I need a bathroom and better wifi. And anoanother margarita.
    I don't know what terminal you are at in Phoenix, but I'm assuming you have a layover. Phoenix has some of the best food/bars out of any airport I've been too (if you're in Terminal 4). I hope you enjoy!
  • I feel like we should make margaritas for breakfast a requirement.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • I feel like we should make margaritas for breakfast a requirement.
    @sarahwifenow you're BACK!!!

  • I feel like we should make margaritas for breakfast a requirement.
    I second this proposal!

  • kat1114 said:

    chibiyui said:

    @jenna8984‌ wedding in CA.

    We just touched down in phoenix. I need a bathroom and better wifi. And anoanother margarita.

    I don't know what terminal you are at in Phoenix, but I'm assuming you have a layover. Phoenix has some of the best food/bars out of any airport I've been too (if you're in Terminal 4). I hope you enjoy!

    Our layover was enough time to use restrooms and run to the changed gate.

    So hungry. So thirsty.

  • There is a mystery beep in my office. I swear to god, every time my dad is out of town, all the battery backups know about it and start beeping at me.

    I'm the fuck

  • Guys...I just made a dutch pear pie cause I was bored....and it's sooooooo good, ugh am gonna end up eating the whole thing. But no! no! Will wait until dessert. Here is the recipe I used (of course I made my crust from scratch :p

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • PEAR pie? I've never heard of this but it sounds delicious.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I'm getting irrationally annoyed. It's the big Halloween party day in my office - everyone decorates their areas and employees bring their kids in to trick or treat. My department set up all their stuff (a whole mini golf course) on the other side of the wall from where my desk is. Awesome! Nothing over here. So I was just going to sit over here like a stick in the mud until an appropriate time to go home... I'm not super close with anyone here to walk around/drink/check out the displays, so I'm feeling kinda curmudgeonly. Well now some random chick I've NEVER seen before sets up shop at the empty desk outside my office, with a bag of candy and her (unleashed) dog dressed up like a pig. There's no other reason for people to come over here, but now I have to hear her tell them in her annoying accent "This is Penelope! She's a pig! Say hello Penelope!" every 30 seconds. Who the hell are you, lady?! Go to your own desk!

  • Can it be 4:30 yet? I get to leave work early today (yay comp time!) and then I'm heading home to prep our place as we're having a few folks over tonight and our sink is full of dirty dishes. Then tomorrow we're going to visit my family and come back on Monday. I'm really looking forward to seeing my granny since she couldn't make it to the wedding.
  • Guys...I just made a dutch pear pie cause I was bored....and it's sooooooo good, ugh am gonna end up eating the whole thing. But no! no! Will wait until dessert. Here is the recipe I used (of course I made my crust from scratch :p

    The squirrels stole all the pears from the tree in our back yard. If I can keep the little mofos away next year, I am totally making this pie!!
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