Wedding Woes

Speaking of forgetting family members, Buffy almost spent the night at school because of me

Mom guilt inducing..

So, yesterday, around 4ish, the Mr. called and said he was going to be late, could I please call my parents to get Buffy (the Mr. is scheduled to work until 6 but if something goes wrong, it can be 6:30, which is a problem.  My parents have agreed to be  'backup' if this happens--it's happened only once, yesterday).
The Mr. had tried to call, hadn't gotten an answer, and wasn't going to be accessible by phone again.

I said sure.

then I had a meeting.  And a fire drill.  and a chemical situation.  and some paperwork.  And I sat down at 5 and went *sigh* "YAY, time to do my regular work." and worked at my desk, next to a phone I could use (but didn't) for an hour.
and I locked up the room at 6 and went "HOLY SHIT" and called my parents in a tizzy.

Apparently, my parents had gotten the Mr's message and acted on it w/o waiting for input from me.
God love 'em, I'd have been mortified and in trouble if they hadn't.

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